A 1 - Cherish This Love Lyrics
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Cherish This Love Song Lyrics
A 1
Make It Good (2002)
Song Title:
Cherish This Love
Print Version
Ben: Sorry for making you cry,
For turning away as you walk on by,
But baby I need to be strong and
I need to move on with my life,
You know it's not that I don't care,
So don't make me feel bad, it's not fair.
Cos baby you know all the reasons,
I made my decision in life.
Ben: Now a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do,
And a boy has to become a man,
And I'm sorry for saying but it's love that I need,
And that love I just can't get from you.
Ben: It's funny how things turn around,
One day I am lost, then I'm found,
It happened so fast,
I knew it would last,
From the first time I first looked in her eyes,
Although it's so soon this I know, I'll never be on my own,
As dreams turn to tears,
She buries my fears and I will
Cherish this love ever more,
Ben: You know it's not easy to do,
Turning my back, on me and you,
But baby I need someone there
Who will love me and care for my life (Someone who cares for my life).
Smiles they turned into tears,
And all of my dreams, they all disappeared,
Baby this cannot be right so I'll turn down the light
On our love,
Ben: Now a boy's gotta do,
What a boy's gotta do,
And a girl has to do what she can,
And I'm sorry for saying but it's love that I need,
And that love I just can't get from you
Ben: It's funny how things turn around,
One day I am lost, then I'm found,
It happened so fast,
I knew it would last,
From the first time I first looked in her eyes,
Although it's so soon this I know, I'll never be on my own,
As dreams turn to tears,
She buries my fears and I will
Cherish this love e
Cherish This Love Lyrics
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caught in the middle
"A puzzle made of pieces you can't find
And for me you never really had the time
I was blind.
Is written in the pages of my history..."
do you remember
"Do, do, do, do.
Do, do, do, do,
Do, do, do, do.
Do, do, do, do...."
One More Try
"Could be your eyes,
Could be your smile
Could be the way you freed my mind,
Your precious touch caressed my soul,..."
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"Talking away
I don't know what I'm to say
I'll say it anyway
Today's another day to find you..."
No more
"You say you're
gonna work it out
Then you say you're having doubts
Tellin' me you'll walk away..."
The things we never did
"You and me,
We sit and talk of friendship then I ask,
If you can see
If we could be together, forever..."
Nothing but trouble
"Up till now was a
man of common senses
Funny how I just give up on my defences
But she's one of a kind..."
"I've walked
the jungle
Fought a lion with bare hands
The Prince of Darkness..."
...Show All
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A 1 Singer
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