A Few Loose Screws - Rule The World Lyrics

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Artist: A Few Loose Screws
Song Title: Rule The World
Visits: 808
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What kind of girl can pick you up when
You're getting down
What kind of girl is the best of things
Rolled into one
What kind of girl would go anywhere
For you
What kind of girl, the best kind in
The world

So I think if I stay with you
I think I'll probably rule the world
Yeah I'm sure if I stay with you
I'm pretty sure I'll rule the world

What kind of guy deserves to be
Treated like a king
What kind of guy?
What kind of guy would give away a ring
What kind of guy the luckiest in
The world

I see the way you look at me
I know the way you feel about me
I'll give you anything if there's anything
I can do
I'll give you anything if you'll just give
Me you

She's got nice hair but I don't care
Her teeth are straight and white
I love her because she's a part of me
Yeah, straight and white

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Other A Few Loose Screws song Lyrics
  • Black Rain
    "Sleepless nights
    Staring into darkness
    Why have I
    Been feeling this way..."
  • Blue/Gray Brain
    "Never neen so lonely with so many friends
    Never drawn so few pictures with so many crayons
    Never seen so much when it's been so cloudy
    Never felt so empty with so many feelings..."
  • Cant Stop Lovn You
    "I love the rain
    I love the autumn wind
    I love the snow
    I love this place I'm in..."
  • Change
    "Today seems like yesterday
    And yesterday felt like tomorrow
    I stare at my reflection in the glass
    I wonder where the day's gone..."
  • Close My Eyes
    "I've never tripped the night away
    Can't say that I regret the life I've lived
    To this day
    You've always taken care of me..."
  • Dry
    "I remember when we were friends
    Walking hand in hand together
    Sharing our thoughts with each other
    With time I've grown older but you're still the same..."
  • Girl In My Pocket
    "I've got a shirt with a pocket by
    My heart
    It used to be empty, o' so empty
    But my girl's taken up residence there..."
  • Hate Tree
    "You bury the seed deep within
    Your heart
    Bury it beneath all your pain
    All your scars and misconceptions..."

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