A Life Once Lost - This Is What She Calls Home Lyrics

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Artist: A Life Once Lost
A Life Once Lost Author
Album: Open Your Mouth For The Speechless (2000)
A Life Once Lost - Open Your Mouth For The Speechless Album
Song Title: This Is What She Calls Home
Visits: 846
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I am such a beautiful bastard. the wind graced across her ear. it made her stop and cry. throwing herself in the air. screaming aloud, take me away. from all of this pain you made me feel. yet, millions of lips have called this child blessed. she held her body above our heads. dancing on our hands. but now she cries just like you or me. everything I did for you was so wrong. but why did you smile in the end? why did you smile?

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Other A Life Once Lost song Lyrics
  • Joan Said Please
    "it could have been easier then this. it could have been so much more enjoyable, for the both of us. but it wasn't right. for me to waste time with you. thinking I even had a chance to make a difference in your life. just forget about it. forget about me. I was only trying to make you happy. you touched my face and kissed me on the forehead. this could not be the end. the end of something that was never started. and I will not give you any space. if any is given, it is the last feeling of our lips. how many times can you make up excuses not to be with me? only once.

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  • Gentle And Elegant
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  • All Falls River Failed
    "a falls river farewell. sometimes I sing by myself. alone, away from the angels that hold my hand. as I walked way scared. from the memories that I choked on. memories of you. wiping them away with glass. angels sing songs about you. they bleed in my dreams bringing those memories of you alive. as the angels fall to their knees. their wings were torn in my dreams. my eyes were torn to shreds.

  • Just Before His Crucifixion
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  • Why Do You Make Me Bleed?
    "I try and catch myself from crying but the tears are dead. I can cry on your command. I can scream making my lungs bleed. I can stare at a broken reflection seeing you laughing at me. I pretend so that I can kill you. pieces of my heart cut me like suicide. I crave her touch. I crave her kiss. I wish I fell in love and never wakened from it's slumber. I wish I fell in love.

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  • Cavil
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    without you even knowiing
    so i continued to throw words
    around carelessly..."
  • ...Show All
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