A Shrine - MOTORCAR Lyrics

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Artist: A Shrine
Song Title: MOTORCAR
Visits: 717
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It has happened now
The thing that you swore that you'd never do
It has happened now
And it's him again
And pop, you are down on your back again
Everytime she comes around
She knocks you down and leaves you there
And everytime she comes around
She uses you for her own ends
It's your motorcar
She loves it when you drive her everywhere
But she won't pay no
Everytime she comes around
She knocks you down and leaves you there
And everytime she comes around
She uses you for her own ends
Her own ends
But it's never too far
Never too far
It's never too far
To go by car
It has happened now
The thing that you swore that you'd never do
It has happened now
And it's him again
And pop, you are down on your back again
Everytime she comes around
She knocks you down and leaves you there
And everytime she comes around
She uses you for her own ends
Her own ends
Everytime she comes around
She knocks you down and leaves you there
And every time she comes around
She uses you for her own ends
Her own ends
But it's never too far
Never too far
It's never too far
To go by car

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Other A Shrine song Lyrics
    "I cut myself today
    I really don't know how
    It wouldn't hurt that much
    If I knew just how..."
  • Break
    "Feels like this, when I'm lying
    Lego man, without eyes
    Cheer him up anymore
    I don't lie, my life..."
  • Lavatory Lama
    "Cause of you
    I laid in my bed staring at you
    Well, yeah I'll try
    To work things out..."
  • The Drewling Baby
    "I cut myself today
    I really don't know how
    It wouldn't hurt that much
    If I knew just how..."
  • The Vibes
    "How could I ever let it come
    Ever let it come to this
    Swimming on in life
    Guess it's like I've been told..."
    "Once to a friction, be often the wastebasket
    A little while, according to the picture
    But now this place's dead, I can't say that I'm sad, oh no
    Guess I found a new way, to stay head over heels, all the time..."

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