Aaliyah - Try Again Lyrics
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Aaliyah Singer Lyrics
Try Again Song Lyrics
I Care 4 You (2002)
Song Title:
Try Again
R&B: Soul
Print Version
Try again-Aalyiah
Timbaland's Intro:
It's been a long time,
we shouldn't have left you left you,
without a dope beat to step to step to, step to, step to
Verse 1:
What would you do, to get to me?
What would say, to have your way?
Would you give up or try again,
If I hesitate to let you in?
Now would you be yourself, or play role?
Tell all the boys, or keep it low?
If I say no, would you turn away,
Or play me off or would you stay (oooohhh)...
If at first you don't succeed
(first you don't succeed),
then dust yourself off and try again
You can dust if off and try again, try again
'Cause if at first you don't succeed
(at first you don't succeed)
You can dust it off and try again,
dust yourself off and try again, try again,
Verse 2:
I'm into you, you into me,
but I can't let it go, so easily,
Not 'till I see, where this could be,
could be eternally, or just week,
You know our chemistry, is off the chain
It's perfect now, but will it change?
This ain't a yes, this ain't a no
Just do your thang,
and we'll see how it goes (oooohhh)...
See you don't wanna throw it all away,
I might be shy on the first day,
but what about the next day (huh, huh, huh, huh)
See you don't wanna throw it all away,
I might be buggin' on the first day but
what about the next day (huh, huh, huh, huh)
Timbaland's Outro:
It's been a long time, we shouldn't have left you left you,
without a dope beat to step to step to, step to, step to
Try Again Lyrics
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Love ya babe love ya babe love ya babe
Love ya babe love ya babe love ya babe..."
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Yeah, no, no, no, no, no
Yeah, yeah, oh, oh
Hey my baby..."
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oh, ho
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"Theres no need for you,
It aint what you think,
So dont worry,..."
...Show All
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