Abigor - Galaxies and Eons Decline Lyrics

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Artist: Abigor
Abigor Author
Song Title: Galaxies and Eons Decline
Genre: Industrial
Visits: 875
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Hail you forgotten gods
Sleeping the step of death
Return to blood soaked power
To fierce tyrants reign
They somnambulate on burning foots prints
Haunting black infinity
The shadows beyond the stars
Unholy flesh of shoggots distorting time and space
Black tentacles atrocious mouldery slimy trace
Recover the lands of an eons lasting dream
To enslave all mortal life
And bring madness over men
Hail you forgotten gods
Sleeping the step of death
Buried you dwell in Rlyeh
Receive my words chaos arise!
Winds of time chase my prayers
Through the depths resurrect!
Wake the dead dreaming gods
Cthulhu thee who lurks beyond the threshold
Buried under black withered megaliths
Under cold and bare distant desert planets
In abyssmal depths beyond blinking stars
Fleshless bodies dream of a new return
Drunk now is my blood, opened is the path
Ancient Ones return, cosmic wrath unleashed
Shub Niggrath bleat! Your Sothoth arise!
Voices chanting pain scream from a thousand mouths
Forces raising dead mountains of flesh
Protoplasmic waves spilled from outer space
Transformed is my flesh, blackened now my heart
Fallen my disguise shoggot forces mine!
The triumphatic rise of the Ancient Ones
Invading land, sea and sky in their lust for chaos
An age of occult worship
phnglui mglw nath Cthuluhu Rlyeh wgahnagl fhtagn
To flesh turned fear in grey disguise
Has lead its trail for eons long
And eons more it will lead on until the galaxy declines
Yet Luna splits her gruesome rains
Of light over a world in fright
And while the tides of time pass by
The grey still walks these haunted planes

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Other Abigor song Lyrics
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    "I sent black birds to the sky
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    "We loaf around the fireplace
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  • Severance
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  • Kingdom Of Darkness
    "His kingdom - Kingdom of Darkness
    Where you can hear agony screams
    Cry eternal
    Frozen moon, growing shadows..."
  • Eye To Eye At Armageddon
    "Unable to save the world
    But able to suffer in this so-called heaven
    Your grotesque vision of pure holyness
    Will be suffocated like you - bearer of light..."
  • My Soft Vision In Blood
    "So we reached our aim
    The replacement of day
    The obliteration of the sun
    The triumph of the soft moonlight..."
  • Diabolic Unity
    "My lord, I say I'm yours
    You're my mentor
    I'll learn to take control over mankind
    I'll be the leader of your unholy legions..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Satanized (A Journey Through Cosmic Infinity)" album, click "Abigor Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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