Abigor - Spektrale Schattenlichter Lyrics

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Artist: Abigor
Abigor Author
Album: Opus IV (1996)
Abigor - Opus IV Album
Song Title: Spektrale Schattenlichter
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 837
Print Version

Schmerz ist das Wissen...
Der am meisten weih,
Der fiihlt am tiefsten die schreckliche Wahrheit,
Dah der Baum der Erkenntnis nicht ist -
Der Baum des Lebens...
Mein Schmerz des Seins...
Der die Unsterblichkeit erahut -
Und den Gott der "All-Einheit" verhhut...
Ich leide, rase!
Aber in thronender Weisheit, unseliger Ruh,
Herrsche ich immer...
Und fehle nimmer...
In ehrener Rstung mit jenes Gedanken Wehr,
Der deimen Himmel den Blitz entrang
Der nachging der Sphren Gang...
Der durch Spektrale Schattenlichter,
Dein Geheimins erzwang...
Woran sie nur glauben...
Sei's, dak sie Welten in der Sonne eutznden.
Oder sei's, dak sie den Leib im Grabe bewegen.
Nicht's wird geschehen, woran sie glauben...
The taste of tears is bitter -
But the taste of revenge is sweet...
Thy flesh is weak -
But I am not from this time
Just like the wind...
Gazed upon future dimensions -
Through the spectral shadowlights...
The portal of my fate appears... soon...

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Other Abigor song Lyrics
  • The Prophecy
    "Mark my words - for I speak the truth and foresee
    I've seen the winged shadow
    The harbinger of the upcoming storm
    And warriors which gathered..."
    "I sent black birds to the sky
    I set a sign for my hate
    To darken the day
    To beat back the light..."
    "We loaf around the fireplace
    War-weary and calm
    We watch the sunrise motionless
    The war has been won..."
  • Severance
    "Not a senseless life - but extinguished now
    This is the long awaited end
    Not pain - a sort of harmoney I feel
    As I look back - staring at my body..."
  • Kingdom Of Darkness
    "His kingdom - Kingdom of Darkness
    Where you can hear agony screams
    Cry eternal
    Frozen moon, growing shadows..."
  • Eye To Eye At Armageddon
    "Unable to save the world
    But able to suffer in this so-called heaven
    Your grotesque vision of pure holyness
    Will be suffocated like you - bearer of light..."
  • My Soft Vision In Blood
    "So we reached our aim
    The replacement of day
    The obliteration of the sun
    The triumph of the soft moonlight..."
  • Diabolic Unity
    "My lord, I say I'm yours
    You're my mentor
    I'll learn to take control over mankind
    I'll be the leader of your unholy legions..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Opus IV" album, click "Abigor Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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