Above The Law - Freedom Of Speech Lyrics

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Artist: Above The Law
Song Title: Freedom Of Speech
Visits: 881
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[ KM.G ]

Yo, what's happenin, man?

Yo, they tryin to come down on the ATL when whe speak

They say we on a negative tip

What's up?

[ VERSE 1: Cold 187um ]

Now I'ma kick a way-out style that's smoother than usual

It's from Above The Law, so see, it's crucial

Hype beats are kickin and rippin, yo, with a funky touch

It's done the Ruthless way, some say it's too much

D-o-p-e, please don't misdefine it

That's the way that I live and, that's the style of my rhyme

That's on time, just like your watch keeps tickin

(KM.G) on my side, so that my knowledge keeps stickin

Now what's really known as a radio cut?

When you can's say (shit) and you can't say (fuck)

I really think you wanna hear it

But the radio stations, you see, they still gonna fear it

Yo, I thought this country was based upon freedom of speech

Freedom of press, freedom of your own religion

To make your own decision, now that's baloney

Cause if I gotta play by your rules, I'm bein phoney

Yo, I got to cater to this person or that person

I got to rhyme for the white or the black person?

Why can't it all be equal?

Music is a universal language for all people

I better get off the rebellious tip

Before somebody out there say I'm startin to slip

I ain't trippin, I'm steadily flowin and throwin

Givin you a dope style

Keepin me on top of the pile

Cause ATL'll soon take over the nation

And if you don't wanna hear us, well, change the station

Boo! I sneak in your mind your mind

Sink in your mind, creep from behind

So fast that you won't have time

To deny a brother that's from the streets

Tryin to teach, hopin to reach

Yo, 187's not one that's known to preach

But I wish for each to have freedom of speech

(Congress shall make no law

Respecting an establishment of religion

Or prehibiting the free exercise thereof

Or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press)

[ VERSE 2: Cold 187um ]

They'll milk you to make it understood

They make it good, so that it taste real good

To you, so see, you fall right in it

Your minds are small, they feed you like infants

Like children they'll bring you along

They say we're wrong for makin a rap song

But ATL'll hit you straight up jam after jam

Long as we say what we want, make our stamps, we don't give a damn

Those that wanna sell out need to get the fuck out the business

Cause they ain't doin nothin but bluffin

Me, I get wild every rhyme I release

Whether I talk about violence or talk about peace

Cause violence is somethin that happens in society

When people are livin low and don't kow where they can go

But peace, I think we all want peace

But it's too much to face, and it's too far to reach

Whether I say my rhymes fast, slow, sloppy or neat

See, I wish when I'm doin, to have freedom of speech

(Congress shall make no law

Respecting an establishment of religion

Or prehibiting the free exercise thereof

Or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press)

[ VERSE 3: Cold 187um ]

Now if they ban me, I don't give a fuck

Chalk it up as experience (yeah, bad luck)

Because I'm ballin with Laylaw's clout

And if he say that it stays, the shit comes out

Cause in the early days when rap first began

Some fool jumped up and said it soon would end

But nowadays I hear song after song

And it proved to me that the fool was wrong

So yo, cut the bullshit, all set aside

It's time for the people to realize

About the things that happen in the ghetto which those try to hide

When they know we just strive to survive

(The homie said he'd have a job, if you'd give him a break)

But when he gets it (he goes by the other man's ways)

Now see, there's just one more thing I have to talk about

'bout how they say rap music is turnin kids out

You got to give your child credit for what he can do

Plus the way that they're raised is really up to you

Rap music, a form of literature

Words and verbs and adjectives

Painted up like a picture

Yo, it's gonna hitcha, yo, it's gonna getcha

And when I'm all finished up, it's gonna fitcha

(Hittin the nation) station to station (heavy rotation)

So strong that it's keepin the pace, and

We will speak out on any situation

But while we're doin

Yo, we gotta have freedom of speech

[ KM.G ]

Yeah - see, that's how we had to do that

Yo, I gotta give it up to all my homeboys

That got freedom of speech

Yo, Cold 187

Ice Cube

MC Ren

The deadly Dr. Dre


The G-o M-a-c-k

Total Koss housin thangs

Ruthless in the muthafuckin house

Yo, to my homie D.O.C.

And Laylaw with the clout

And we out

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