Abstract Rude - Screwed On Tight Lyrics

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Artist: Abstract Rude
Song Title: Screwed On Tight
Visits: 841
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"Hey we gonna do it like this"

Concentration, use your brain

Keep the rhythm or you'll be off the game

Cause anything can happen on any given night

So you gotta have your head screwed on tight

And we're gonna move like this, I don't like losing shit

But if it's serious, we'll school it, I ain't materialistic

I'm a calculate my odds and attach rate the market

I have to stay involved and keep the faith in god

Every crime in the street, they don't call the cops for them all

It's up to the homies left there to handle it and solve

You sipping alcohol and now you want to brawl

And fighting at the bar, somebody's gonna draw

And they'll wonder what's the cause, you didn't even pause

It was all over a broad, people just started falling

Everybody was mobbing, none of them using caution

Then they heard the shots and boy does this happen often

Concentration, use your brain

Keep the rhythm or you'll be off the game

Cause anything can happen on any given night

So you gotta have your head screwed on tight

Concentration, use your brain

Keep the rhythm or you'll be off the game

Cause anything can happen on any given night

So you gotta have your head screwed on tight

I don't roll like that, sometimes I'm holding back

Because more times than not you'll be running your trap

And if I tripped off you running it, I'd probably stick a gun in it

Don't be out here acting like no son of a bitch

You fit the stereotype

All your homies jump in, you've never had a fair fight

You better hope he's never deep up here

If you leave him alive, he'll be back next year

You think you're hard cause you travel in packs

Do you run up on somebody that is packing a gat

You never knew someone could beat your case

And if they do, I hope I see the look on your face

Because Karma Darkma are their names

Keep them down or son, you'll be off the game

Subject is, just check this

Between your earrings, above your necklace

Concentration, use your brain

Keep the rhythm or you'll be off the game

Cause anything can happen on any given night

So you gotta have your head screwed on tight

Concentration, use your brain

Keep the rhythm or you'll be off the game

Cause anything can happen on any given night

So you gotta have your head screwed on tight

"We gonna do it like this"

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