Abyssaria - The Everlasting Fire Lyrics

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Artist: Abyssaria
Song Title: The Everlasting Fire
Visits: 926
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There's no difference between night and day
Without sun or moon I move
The only candles that enlight my way
Are the blazing flames of you

You are the flames of the everlasting fire
You are the wings, the wings that take me higher
You are the fire, you are the light
You are the key to my salvation
The final day of this sorrow inside
This is the way to my last destination

All insanity that led me astray
My deepest darkest thoughts came true
The only hope that enlights my way
My last believe are you

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Other Abyssaria song Lyrics
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  • Before The Dawn
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    Creations of sickness, insane crowd of fools
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  • Total Soul Eclipse
    "Turning night into day, day into night
    Drifting in floods, no bottom beneath
    Sinister the waves arround extend
    Shatter on black rocks of neverland..."
  • Licht
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    Verfolgt von Geistern der Unendlichkeit
    Im Innern gebrochen, die Seele zerteilt
    Blutendes Herz, doch die Wunde verheilt..."
  • All The Dying On Earth
    "We who never feared the moonlight
    We who never fled from the rain
    All the dying on this earth
    All this pain since the birth..."
  • Beyond The Darklands
    "Pain - all I feel is burning pain
    I raise from the clear snowy ground
    Slowly the dense fog is dissolving
    Reeling I see a vast scenery of ice..."
  • Elysian Fields Of Anathemised Entities
    "A smell of sepsis poisons my entity
    For all time we are damned at this place
    Distressed childrenfaces shimmer through the spinney
    They stare apathetic at centuries gone..."

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