Abyssic Hate - Depression-Part I Lyrics

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Artist: Abyssic Hate
Abyssic Hate Author
Song Title: Depression-Part I
Visits: 1103
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Far beyond the walls of all safety in a land

Disgusting as the highest of God's heavens

Starved hands keep appearing - clawing

Tearing shreds out of the flesh and mind

And as the sands crawl their unchanging path

All means seemingly focus towards the end

There is no reason to live anymore when the reason cannot be attained

But the solace lay beyond the darkness

In a land where light and life dwell

Yet soon will come death and the numbing fires

Only then will my mind lie to rest

For I am alone on this world

Enslaved and surrounded by the living dead

Yet still I stand tall as I bleed

Deep from within the cuts upon my skin

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Other Abyssic Hate song Lyrics
  • Betrayed
    "My darkest fears have become a frightening truth
    And the wounds are hidden so you cannot feel the pain
    For I have chosen the path of misery and sorrow
    And my skin will continue to wither and decay..."
  • Despondency
    "My visions are all clouded
    I see nothing but red
    This hatred has now congealed to a near climatic state
    Why do I remain here to weaken through the years?..."
  • Depression - Part I
    "Far beyond the walls of all safety in a land
    Disgusting as the highest of God's heavens
    Starved hands keep appearing - clawing
    Tearing shreds out of the flesh and mind..."
  • Depression - Part II
    "I think about life and feel pure hate about being trapped here on this earth
    Envying all deceased souls who've passed on from this ruined plane
    My dormant hours are filled with fear, my waking hours I will not face
    All will to life has expired..."
  • Depression (Part 1)
    "Far beyond the walls of all safety in a land
    Disgusting as the highest of God's heavens
    Starved hands keep appearing - clawing
    Tearing shreds out of the flesh and mind..."
  • Depression (Part 2)
    "I think about life and feel pure hate about being trapped here on this earth
    Envying all deceased souls who've passed on from this ruined plane
    My dormant hours are filled with fear, my waking hours I will not face
    All will to life has expired..."
  • Depression-Part II
    "I think about life and feel pure hate about being trapped here on this earth
    Envying all deceased souls who've passed on from this ruined plane
    My dormant hours are filled with fear, my waking hours I will not face
    All will to life has expired..."

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