Academy Dream - The Party Lyrics
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Academy Dream Singer Lyrics
The Party Song Lyrics
Academy Dream
The Dream Academy (1985)
Song Title:
The Party
Rock: Pop-Rock
Print Version
There's danger in the air
They walk around in pairs
Dancing to the Dansette
Well God Almighty don't forget
You came here with me.
While Cinderella's getting hypnotised
By the Italian with grey-green eyes
I stand deliberatly out of bounds
Winding you up just to bring you down
To my level
So I'm sitting in a corner with a knife in my back
Pretending not to notice that I'm under attack
When a positive lack of direction breaks upon my shoulders
You may dance with him all night long
Live your romance out in a popular song
But baby you're gonna miss me when the radio comes on
And they're playing my song.
The boys are queuing up at every one-night stand
To issue their final demands
The stand's telling them about this guy
And so they're standing with her but they're keeping their eyes
On some other girl
Me, I'm trying to hold it down
By thinking about the words to some other song
When I'm forced into making polite conversation
I open the window to get some ventilation
Try to break away from the intellectual starvation.
Meanwhile the taxis are calling
And the angels are falling
Down into the garden of truth
Where two star-crossed lovers
Cut across one another
And make their way home one by one.
He may fire imagination into your eyes
I know strong personalities are hard to find
You messed up mine;
We've got a good thing let's keep on trying
Baby you're gonna miss me when the radio comes 'round to my time.
Submitted by Michael Hack
The Party Lyrics
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Other Academy Dream song Lyrics
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And Children drunk lemonade
And the morning lasted all day,
All day..."
The Edge Of Forever
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Did you ever love somebody
Like I love,
I love you now..."
In Places On The Run
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I suppose you shouldn't stay,
All alone in dream's asylum
Don't you know we've come a long way......"
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A new kind of dedication..."
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You came into my life and loved me like a mother..."
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And put the girl in danger
Whose only weapon was to believe in love
"All out" but don't say forever..."
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From June to September the love parade's
Out on the street where you live and you know
It's just a matter of time before it takes over..."
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One that I love more
Than settle down
Fool around..."
...Show All
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