Acda en De Munnik - I Try Lyrics

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Artist: Acda en De Munnik
Song Title: I Try
Visits: 780
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Frameless ? I try

Us we are comeing and we go away
Always try to find the wright way
We trying as we are passing by, day andnight

And we try to make the wright decisions
And we try try to find the wright way for me and you

When when we turn around and look ahead
And things were here to find instead
When rain comes down on sunny days
We make up all night

And we try to make the wright decisions, yes we do.
And we try try to find the wright way for me and you.

And we try to make the wright decisions, yes we do
And we try, try to find the wright way for me and you.

Always try to make the wright decisons yeah
Always try find the wright way.

Flow, and u think u mist the wright way out?
Think without a doubt and u will find
An other road that leads youhere. Wright into your mind

And we try to make the wright decisions, yes we do
And we try, try to find the wright way yes for me and you.

And we try, yes for me and you, yes for me and you

Us we are coming and we go away

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