Aceyalone - Blink Blink Lyrics

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Artist: Aceyalone
Aceyalone Author
Song Title: Blink Blink
Visits: 859
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[uncredited spoken word poet forms the song's intro]

With a grin that matched his own she said,

"You're not a thief, are you?"

He shrugged."Do I look like a thief?"

"You look like the most attractive man here."

She paused long enough to catch his eye;

of course looks can be deceiving.

She didn't say it, but she could picture him pocketing

a necklace carelessly left in a jewelry box during a big party.

Or a Seiko watch from under a poolside towel.

She didn't imagine him planning a heist,

but just taking what came his way.

Returning her smile, he said..


Bout that money, yeahhh.. that's what I'm talkin bout

Bout that money, gettin that money


Blink Blink - every time you open up your eyes

Blink Blink - every time you open up your mind

Blink Blink - yeahhh, yeahhh

What the fuck are people talkin bout?

Blink - every time you open up your eyes

Blink Blink - every time you open your mind

Blink Blink - yeahhh, yeahhh

What the fuck these people talkin bout?


I say it once, I'll say it again

Cold cash money make the whole world spin

You can laugh, and you can grin

But you ain't sayin shit if you ain't got ends

So hold your breath, and wait for God

And when you get here, tell him that you need a job

Because shit is hard, in the battlefield

And the next bid'ness deal can get you killed



The phone's in my name and it can't be cut off

The water and the power and it can't be shut off

Food, shelter, cheese, I gotta break off, please

I gotta shake off, that's why I gotta take off

I'm young and full of vigor, West coast nigga

Tryin to make my pockets bigger from the shit that I deliver

Stay afloat, sell your boat

Sell what you wrote, fuck it, sell dope

Yeahhh, yeahhh, what the fuck are people talkin bout?

... yeahhh, what the fuck do people think about?

[Chorus] - 3/8X


You should put on a mask, and go in home savings

Witcho' nuts and yo' heart and yo' forty-five waving

Westsiders got West cravings

God damn motherfuckin money is amazing

Yeahhh.. you know money money in everything

... you know money make the world go round

... you know money runnin everythang

... you know money make the world go round

... you know money runnin everythang

... you know money make the world go, round

Blink.. {*echoes*

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