Aceyalone - Deep and Wide Lyrics
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Aceyalone Singer Lyrics
Deep and Wide Song Lyrics
All Balls Don't Bounce (1995)
Song Title:
Deep and Wide
Rap: Hip-Hop
Print Version
breath out breath in breath out
there's a MC flowin' deep and wide deep and wide
rhymes i got plenty keep 'em right by my side
come and get a flow jump inside the boat for the ride
there's a MC flowin' deep and wide deep and wide
now everybody up odd man in
fit to play a game of russian roulette and God's fit to win
i hope you're equip for the adventure men to the front
and the women and children to the back of the boat
fit to be afloat in about fifty seconds
better believe we brought enough free chicken for the picnic
and while the time is tickin'
automated belt drive felt tip scribe i'm your guide
to the innermost outtermost post to the other side
now my body is my temple and my temple is my prize
and my mind shine like the sun do
and here's a little word from the wise
you go up the river down the creek cross the lake
and over the stream tryin' to escape this MC
there's a MC flowin' deep and wide deep and wide
- what is it
MC's flowin' deep and wide deep and wide
rhymes we got plenty keep 'em right by our sides
come and get a flow jump inside the boat for the ride
there's a MC flowin' deep and wide deep and wide
- what is it
obviously this happens periodically
it's not me it's the god in me i'm rappin' so melodically
aeronautically Aaron is I, Aaron is high, Aaron is flying
why in me means the glare in your eye
they're in the lyin' down postion
the music's a masseuse
goin' through your body makin' all the tension loose
audio boost their reaction means satisfaction
seems to happen when i'm rappin' and they hear me clearly
and cheering even teary-eyed in the b-boy kingdom
we some rude stylish scattin rappin world twists
but that's just for audio analysis
the dopest you diagnose this
but still don't get too close this
may have a ferocious side
there's and MC flowin' by deep and open wide
- what is it
MC's flowin' deep and wide deep and wide
rhymes we got plenty keep 'em right by our sides
come and get a flow jump inside the boat for the ride
there's a MC flowin' deep and wide deep and wide
- what is it
breath out breath in breath out
- yo Ab feel the wind blowin'
breath in breath out
breath in breath out
i am a universal soldier
Deep and Wide Lyrics
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Other Aceyalone song Lyrics
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"check it out y'all...
This is Aceyalone on the microphone
and we got my nigga Punish on the beatbox
and we gonna show you how WE dos it......"
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monitor my..."
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We showin' out..."
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- a one two, a check a one two
If it wasn't for a mic check you wouldn't have a check at all
- a check two, a mic a check two..."
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i got a head full of headaches a heart that's full of woes..."
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see the walls can't stand higher than we can put 'em now can they
anybody need to be saved today..."
"this is not a love ballad but it is a slow song
her name's
B-Boy Kingdom
ok i'll make this short
we in the house
we got Mikah 9 Abstract Rude Peace..."
...Show All
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