Aceyalone - Future Rockers Lyrics

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Artist: Aceyalone
Aceyalone Author
Song Title: Future Rockers
Visits: 782
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[uncredited spoken word poet forms the song's intro]

And his quick observation and active brain

made him an ideal agent for gaining information.


People all over the world

They have a right to be free

No matter where you are at

You are in the place to be

I think you should walk to the park

And stand up right next to a tree

Look down at the roots on the ground

And imagine you're standin with me

An apple might fall on yo' head

And you may get a bright idea

That you do not want to be led

You'll climb on your own up that hill

But when you get up to the top

Just don't forget from where you came

Cause you know that it doesn't stop

And you know the name of the game


Future future, future future

Rockers rockers, rockers rockers

Future future, future future

Rockers rockers, rockers rockers


I had the pleasure of finding this treasure

And taking the measure to keep it protected

Jewels are a snake that can be in the wrong hands

That could be deadly we MUST take a stance

Walking on tightropes in thin ice and hot coals

And dancing with demons, and playing the role

Stay in control and don't let them control you

Cause I know they will, if you have no will

That's one of the reasons I came to this planet

To give you some lessons on you being you

It must be us that must enter those gates and

We must know just what to do



First I grab my, weapon then I

Put it away just in case there's foul play

Ready and willin and deadly and makin a killin

A to the L, on to the E

As you can tell, I'm the MC

of the century and of the future

When I execute ya, you'll feel no pain

But you will when you'll be born again and again

Ev-ery seven or eight thousand years

The brain becomes one with the ears

Man becomes one with the sneers

The flesh becomes one with the gears

The circuitry's working, electronic pulse

I am the host so a toast to the boogie

Future future.. rockers rockers

Future future.. rockers rockers

Future future..

Rockers rockers..

Future future..

Rockers rockers

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