Aceyalone - Headaches and Woes (Remix) Lyrics

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Artist: Aceyalone
Aceyalone Author
Album: Lost Tapes (2003)
Aceyalone - Lost Tapes Album
Song Title: Headaches and Woes (Remix)
Visits: 950
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Chorus One:

Heads and Woes
Heads and Wo-oes
Heads and Woes
Heads and Wo-oes

Headtrips, Headtrips
I think it is, I know it is

Chorus Two:
i got a head full of headaches a heart that's full of woes
i'm constantly singin' them downhome blues and not many people knows
that leaves me with a twisted view of the whole wide world as i know it
and i guess i got no choice but to be a poet

Verse One:

now in my natural habitat i gravitate towards cribs
and i elevate on having that
and i'll never get caught by the frills
from Yellowstone to Venezuela
Nigeria to the hills
there's somethin i learned that i gotta tell ya
brother's like me got skills

now i could been your doctor or your lawyer
or come to your house and build
self destruction won't destroy ya
if you know how to use that shield
men are murdered and that's their fate
and to get it on tape is a thrill
and people elsewhere tryin to escape
just to come to America and chill
helicopters scope the land
see you makin' your ghetto plan
hip-hop culture is African
and I ain't never going back to the fields

Chorus Two

Verse Two:

now everyday i manifest and i generate and smoke cannabis
and i penetrate and i innovate and i demonstrate from the west
from Amsterdam to the Northern border
Panama Spain to Atlanta Georgia
somethin' i learned that i haven't told ya
cause everybody's goin' through stress

now i know you know it ain't who you know but tell me do you know yourself
cause you can go just like any John Doe
but i know you ain't thinkin' about death
so if you're straight and you're narr

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Lost Tapes" album, click "Aceyalone Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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