Aceyalone - I Never Knew Lyrics

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Artist: Aceyalone
Aceyalone Author
Song Title: I Never Knew
Visits: 782
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[verse one]
See i never really new life could be so hard
I never really new pain til i got scared
I never knew people could be so cold
I never knew wrong til i was ten years old
I never knew fighten til i got my ass kicked
I never knew gettin' got til i got tricked
I never knew healthy til i got sick
And i never knew people killed people so quick
Yo, i never knew mind power could be so deep
And i never knew hardship was mine to keep
And i never knew the wolves attack the sheep in their sleep
And i never knew people played people so cheap
Yo, i never knew that we was in such bad shape
And i never knew what i would have to do for the papes
And i never knew that i would put my life on tape
And i never knew hip hop would be my escape
See i never knew real folks could be so few
And i never knew so many people don't got a clue
And i never knew beautiful til i met you
But, never say never because it never comes true

[verse two]
Hey yo, i never knew that some nigga's just don't bury beef
I never knew that i brought you so much grief
I never knew that you was a two time thief
The way you stole my heart was beyond belief
Yo, i never knew my medicine would come in a leaf
And i never knew that life could be so brief
And i never knew that i would get no relief
I never knew so many indians that wanna be chief
Yo, i never knew the wrong move could cost yo life
And i never knew the wrong move could cause yo strife
And i never knew money could just buy you fun
And i never knew so much power came with a gun
Yo, i never knew that i would have such bad luck
And i never knew the next man could get you stuck
And i never knew lighting til i got struck
And i never knew that you would go so low for the buck
Yo, i never knew real folks could be so few
And i never knew so many people don't got a clue
And i never knew beautiful til i met you
But, never say never because it nver comes true

[verse three]
See, i never knew the future would be like the past
And i never knew a woman could just slang that ass
Yo, i never knew that you were so sassafras
I never knew that you played the game so fast
I never knew that there was no time to waste
And i never knew no one who could take your place
Yo, i never knew reality til you showed me a taste
And i never knew how you made my heart beat race
Yo, i never knew courage until i got brave
And i never knew discipline until i behaved
And i never knew freedom until i became a slave
And i never knew that i would take this to the grave
Yo, i never knew that i had so much to lose
And i never knew i had so many to choose
And i never knew an ego was so easily bruised
And i never knew the game until i studied the rules
See i never knew real folks could be so few
And i never knew so many people don't got a clue
And i never knew beautiful til i met you
But never say never because it never comes true
(true, true)

Never say never because it never comes true
I never knew that i would be about the revenue
Never say never because it never comes true
Oh, i never knew that you didn't know what they was telling you
Never say never because it never comes true
I never knew this about the heaven and the hell in you (ha yeah)
Never say never because it never comes true
I never knew

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