Aceyalone - In Stereo Lyrics

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Artist: Aceyalone
Aceyalone Author
Song Title: In Stereo
Visits: 827
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What is that.. in the stereo

That's Acey/A.C. - Automatic Control

What is that.. in the stereo

AHHH!That's Acey/A.C. - Automatic Control

[Verse One]

I can leap over a buildin with the greatest of ease

Get up and rock the party like you wouldn't believe

Get everybody goin they'll be gone with the wind

Go all around the world come back and do it again

I can really rip a rapper for whatever it's worth

And introduce you to the greatest show on earth

Oh it's beautiful, isn't it?I had it since birth

And it feels so incredible when I'm puttin in work

It's like I'm headed for heights, I'm ready to fight

They said it be light, they said it be bright

I said am I right, now what's the use of rockin my boat

Well any way you rock it I'ma keep it afloat

It's like I fly in the ocean, I swim in the sky

I'm live in a stereo, I'm so energized

For all of you guys, and all of you gals

This is what they sayin when they hearin them styles


[Verse Two]

Off the head to head, born to dead

Arm Leg Leg Arm back to Head

Hmm, infrared, telescopic

Audio'll transmit fiberoptics

The speed of sound, in full surround

A full metal jacket with a new compound

Amplified, deep and wide

Jump into your ride and lean to the side

Lo and behold I hit the Project Blowed road

Headed for the mountaintop, lookin for gold mode

I sold the gold but never sold the form

It's hot it's cold it's warm throughout the storm

Freakazoids, electric ladies

Radioactive robotic babies

Fuel-injection and dual exhausts

A cable antenna when the signal is lost


[Verse Three]

All up in your circuit breaker, doin my thing

Yo crank it to the maximum oh WHAT a machine

Movin in slow-mo, not makin a fuss

All of a sudden when they push the button I get a rush I'm gone

Climbin up the walls y'all, under your skin

I know it's gonna happen but I'm wonderin when

So I pace myself, and brace myself

Just in case myself, wanna try to get away from me

My main objective, remain effective

Fuse together rhythms that'll keep you connected

Misdirected, disengaged

Disinfected, a brand new page

Hit the corners and hug the curbs

Smash on the gas that's all you heard

Check the monitors, heatin up thermometer

Live wire kiss and you Twist like Oliver


What is that...

That's Acey/A.C. - Automatic Control

What is that.. in the stereo

AHHH!That's Acey/A.C. - Automatic Control

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