Aceyalone - Moonlit Skies Lyrics

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Artist: Aceyalone
Aceyalone Author
Song Title: Moonlit Skies
Visits: 793
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(Feels good)


There's moonlit skies in the middle of the night

It's so surreal but it don't seem right

Look into the light with all your might and sprite

Take it to new heights, you're ready for the fight


They start to swarm you, they never warn you

Jumping all on you and tryin' to harm you

If I was you which I'm hardly not

I'd tighten up game so I never get caught again

On again, off again, in again, out again

In the streets, in the pen, life's a whirlwind

Wife or girlfriend or just a mistress

Momma, daughter, grandma, the wife or sista

You can't resist it, you can't deny it

You can't reply, ya can't lie, ya can't get by

Ain't shit funny with a blinded eye?

I find it I just wanna scream mutha fucka die

[Chorus] - 2X


Itty bitty footsteps, aches and pains

You wanna stake the claim

Someone should fake the game

Your indian dance don't make it rain

But it make it little harder try to break the chains

It's all the same, it's all in vain

All-City, all-state, all Terrain

But all somebody's wanna make a name

But it's all in the famly and all contained

I hope this dope don't kill you fast

Skills won't last, still in the past

Roll in the fast lane til' you crash

Now put your hands in the air, feel the blast

What's the conclusion about the solution pollution

I'm still trying to figure it out

But I'm cool down here boss, whatever the cost

I'mma still keep diggin' it out

[Chorus] - 2X


Your showing me what I see (what I see)

It's not how you sadden me (if it ain't real)

I'd rather be miserable (and know where I am)

Illusions never sound, so derive


Now ron law sound so raw

I hit the mic swiftly and clown all y'all

Now all y'all wanna all choose sides

I refuse to lose, now who's gon' die?

Not me, I'mma live forever

I'mma keep it together, do the weather with a feather in my hat

However if you know any better

You know I'm a veteran I'm clever and I will be back

Im on my own, and so is you

And everything I'm telling you is oh so true

It's all so new and old school too

I know somebody's listenin' but don't know who

Talk is cheap and life is cheaper

You up to ya neck but it still gets deeper

Check your beeper, check ya watch

Check ya phone, make sure ya two ways on

Hold your horses and let em' run

Let em' out the gate and have some fun

Pick you a throughbred and be number one

And pick one more and ride off in the sun

[Chorus] - 2X

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