Aceyalone - Ms AmeriKKKa Lyrics

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Artist: Aceyalone
Aceyalone Author
Song Title: Ms AmeriKKKa
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life as we know it is about to change

i smell it within the air the weather is getting strange

drugged up seddated and numb from the pain

the sickness in america has spread to her brain

she is no longer fit to make good decisions

she is completely blind and void of any vision

she parties hard and she keeps her concious mind in prison

therefore she's heading for the ultimate collision

she can no longer hide the scars on her face

the innocense now gone its hard to replace

she has no shame no remorse or any grace

she embraces the devil and she hates over race

ms amerikkka the beautiful the free

fallin within the cracks i wish that you could see

she burried a misery within society

its obvious you have no regard for me

thats why you caught up in the belly of amerikkka

lost in the stomach in amerikkka

broken down in the bowels of amerikkka

sinking in the garbage of amerikkka

stuck in the brain of amerikkka

suffering in the body of amerikkka

lying in the wicked spirit of amerikkka

dying in the old soul of amerikkka

ms amerikkka you've been a very bad girl

you nearly disgraced humanity in the eyes of the world

vanity has took you over your not deserving

the mirrored imagage of your reflection is quite disturbing

she makes so many promises she couldnt keep

she neglected to mother her young so they dont sleep

they scream out for justice and then they weep

were not to blame ms amerikkka it's what you reek

the adessity of your inventions to rule us all

the tragedy of your intention to fool us all

you should have gave in to nature and to the laws

its only a matter of time until you fall

the things you should have worked out in your first colony

took some of your own advice and your phsyocology

youve destroyed all moral and the ecology

im sorry but i dont accept your appology

thats why you caught up in the belly of amerikkka

lost in the stomach in amerikkka

broken down in the bowels of amerikkka

sinking in the garbage of amerikkka

stuck in the brain of amerikkka

suffering in the body of amerikkka

lying in the wicked spirit of amerikkka

dying in the old soul of amerikkka

oh ms amerikkka so much attractions

has yet to take resposibility for her actions

we work around within the system and make addaptions

so you can let freedome rein with your faction

how can people still be hunger when theres a surplus

suffering within your home youve made them worthless

damn near policed a state and make us nervous

even though some conform and joint your service

your presidencies the biggest joke but with a laugh

i always smell the gun smoke on your behalf

i think i should send a telegraph to your staff

amerikkka your down and dirty you need a bath

so tell your secret agents dont be parranoid

this wasnt taught by saukretes or sigmund froid

this is simply gods work you cant avoid

every nation ever built has been destroyed

thats why you caught up in the belly of amerikkka

lost in the stomach in amerikkka

broken down in the bowels of amerikkka

sinking in the garbage of amerikkka

stuck in the brain of amerikkka

suffering in the body of amerikkka

lying in the wicked spirit of amerikkka

dying in the old soul of amerikkka

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