Aceyalone - Serve Protect Lyrics

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Artist: Aceyalone
Aceyalone Author
Song Title: Serve Protect
Visits: 834
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Nobody move, nobody gets hurt

[ VERSE 1 ]

When it first hits you

And you figure out the truth it's quite shockin

To see the mic rockin, beat knockin

They throwin punches but I'm blockin

I hit the open gash and I clock em

Rock em, sock em, my only intention

Is the off-the-ground suspension

With the decision for mid-air collision

Crash! That's my intention

All that means is smash a rapper, bash a rapper, rapper slash

Remember what happened last time a rapper flashed?

To throw flames he forgot that hell was hot

No brains, you just parked your car in Salem's lot

And Sky-Cam knows who I am

The shots will be aimed at you, helpless lamb


I hold it down (serve and protect)

Blow up the spot (serve and protect)

Take you out (serve and protect)

The mic is mine (serve and protect)

The time is now (serve and protect)

I speak the word (serve and protect)

Close your mouth (serve and protect)

And that's my job (serve and protect)

[ VERSE 2 ]

Statistics say linguistics pay

My mystic display made em insist that I stay

Huh, I'm on the level where I meditate and levatate

And dedicate every awaken day so I can celebrate

My last drink of water, my last piece of bread

I'm the last bullet in the chamber aimed at your head

Stranger, cause you thought I was better off dead

Not shot out of anger but duty instead

Look, me and you rappers got one common thread

We both speak the language so you know what I said

The spot only grounds where I bled

The tracks are my tears from the love that I spread

Grieve no more when you breathe no more

Do you believe in happiness or believe in war?

Speak no more, talk no more

I open up my pour-through and I walk through the door


[ VERSE 3 ]

Better calm your nerves before you get served

For sure I give you what you deserve

And then some, I win some, I win some

I win some, I win some, I hold em for ransom

Has nothin to do with bein handsome

When I enhance em

I dance em around like a marionette

I bet, then string em along like a pet

Poodle, walk the dog but get stopped in your tracks

Shake the ground and you drop to your back

The uncontrollable urge for me and the beats emerge

Sends a surge of shockwaves through my words

And you are my target

I got a infinite amount of ammunition just to spark it

In the end all you heard was a scream

Diggin as dug in the concrete, a disappearing dream

And don't tell me how it seems

To hold it down (to serve and protect)

To blow up the spot (to serve and protect)

To take you out (to serve and protect)

The mic is mine (to serve and protect)

The time is now (to serve and protect)

I speak the word (to serve and protect)

Close your mouth (to serve and protect)

That's my job (to serve and protect)

With respect

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