Aceyalone - Show Your Right Lyrics

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Artist: Aceyalone
Aceyalone Author
Song Title: Show Your Right
Visits: 814
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aww... show your right

to all of my brothers

show your right

to all of my sisters

show your right

to my mothers and my fathers

show your right, you know you're right

show your right

yeah, what up people livin' in this world

who know that the time is now

peace to the sun child, Gods and earths alike

truly we got that know-how, we got that know-how

that what, where, why and when

oh, wow, is that fool at it again?

oh yes, we goin' to the promised land, jack

where you won't get spooked by a casper

last of the second half who spoke and spat it

kick the science and then math to add it

life is a habit

don't combat it, dog

I gots to breathe and smoke before I breathe in smog

I step outside and I hug the street

I spit life through the mic, flow and love the beats

so let me count the ways while I count my scars

I count for paydays but I still count stars

can't count counterclockwise

I gotta count yards

so don't count me out on account I ain't actin' hard

so don't tell me how it could be

'cause positivity has been good to me

and negativity is no good to me

it's not good for me

it's understood to me

show your right

to all of my homies

show your right

to my fair weather friends

show your right

to all the people that love me

show your right

and all the people that hate me

show your right

all the people in shackles

show your right

and for the people that passed

show your right

back to the essence

show your right, you know you're right

show your right

now what if i told you you never gonna win

too high to get over to low to get under

you stuck in the middle and you never gettin' in

universal soldier smokes too much doja

can't stay sober to hold your game

when you're all numbed up like novocaine

well just wash my brain, I can't complain

about a thang

I'm walkin' outside in the rain

yes, I'm walkin' outside in the rain

I ain't scared of the rain

or the sleet or the snow or the pain

or the pleasure or the loss or the gain

sorry that I didn't get to read your mind

instead I read in between the lines

gotta break ground when I break down

don't make a sound

the snakes are all around, intend to take you down

but I can see their intent

even though I look through the eyes of a squint

and I get bent

hmm they constantly askin' why

havin' the audacity to question my capacity

but I won't be pacified or classified

shit, I'll be the last to die

show your right

to all the free thinkers

show your right

to the worldwide scams(?)

show your right

to the old and the wise

show your right

to the young and the curious

show your right

I got my ears on the ??

show your right

I got my eyes on the future

show your right

I got my physical finesse

show your right

you know you're, show your right

oh yes, put your bid in

get in where you fit in

sittin' on these righteous flows

head shoulders knees and toes

move that body across the floor

head shoulders knees and toes

move that body across the floor

uh, yeah

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