Aceyalone - Takeoff Lyrics

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Artist: Aceyalone
Aceyalone Author
Song Title: Takeoff
Visits: 778
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In front of the mic, behind the limelight

A star so bright shines refined advancement

Dance with the last man on the face of the earth

Who did the electric sl-i-i-ide over the verse

Hands held high, connect the antennas

Do or die when we fly, face the grimace

Yeah let's get this off you ready, Fast Eddie

Drop a load on 'em, wrong folks got a hold on 'em

Put the Blowed on 'em, roll on 'em

Roll over 'em, no control over 'em, over me

Outwardly, inwardly, openly, awkwardly

Happily, dastardly, tragedy and casualty

Same story same flight

Where they put yo' body same strip same spot, same endin

Same car, same engine, same tension brewin

Give me the steel, what the FUCK is you doin?

You done enough it's not enough, act two

I'm runnin up it's not a bluff, I'm bout to crack you

Nonchalant, idiot savant no comp

Romp, with the big guys, stomp all the pies

Kick the box, light these M-80's

Ladies grab your babies, run for safety

I don't think it may be a, good idea to stand here

You have no idea of what the FUCK'S about to land here

Smart bombs, J-DAMS, bring mayhem

Hold up, god damn, it's just a party

Dirty red carpet and you walk by me wobbly

Obviously, oblivious, frontin snobby

Heat to the Mojave, heat to the robbery

Beat, to the rhymin, each, brother probably

Taxpayers killed the mayor, and the senator

Rhyme sayers say a prayer, see a minister

Drinks are on the house, the house is on the hill

The hills are on FIRE, it started in the fields

Smoke inhalation, no ventilation

No fire station, no assimilation

Minus the heroes and plaques memorial sites

become burial sites, from high aerial flights

Hover over David Blaine, I'm here to save the game

Fifty-two pick-up witcha brain

Alone lies the man on the track

Lonely as the dagger in my back, staggerin fowards

Fallin face flat, still spittin at you

Still gettin at you, they're all laughin at you

My greatest gift of all was the ability to fall

Get back up and fall, get back up and fall

Get back up and fall and crawl and get back up and brawl

And make 'em lick the balls

Now the dagger's in my back pocket, I hear the track I rock it

Pull your arm outta socket, reachin for the cockpit

Rock shit, roll shit, control shit

Hold shit down 'til we slow on some old shit

I'll stick the pin in your neck just to earn respect

Stuff the paper in your mouth if I have to spell it out

Or write it on yo' forehead cause that's what I'm about

Run the route, bring water to the drought

When all else fails on the trails of love

Hate becomes judged, happiness won't budge

Wickedness does just as wickedness does

And I'm just gettin a buzz, I'm sayin it just because I can

Just because I am a man

With the, hand that fit it and the teeth marks embedded

But God's hands, grip tight, and don't forget it

The evil in your heart is, misery's home

Where ugly is bred and grown, I refuse

I defuse the bomb but just for a moment

And like out of NOWHERE comes yo' worst opponent

The first ones on it, the last to leave

All my, trash is treasure, that's how it's perceived

At the end of my spin when the heights achieved

I'ma leave with a bang like how I was conceived

There's thieves in the temple with tricks up they sleeve


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