Aceyalone - The Balance Lyrics

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Artist: Aceyalone
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Song Title: The Balance
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Mix the mix master DJ play dat beat
Won't you play it for me
In the mix mister, ha, forward
The second somebody dies somebody else is born
People are celebrating while other people morn
Home may be home to you but to me it's foreign
Even the matador don't pull the bull by the horns
One man's enemy is another man's friend
One man's poison is another man's medicine
So let us sit, let us sit, and let us view
The changing of the guard
So it's so hard to keep it true (so hard to keep it true)
It's the balance of the scales it can't be challenged or expelled
Soon as somebody lost somebody else prevails
Someone is quiet, at the same time someone yells (Yeah, Yeah)
Half full or half empty, water in the well
It's the half and half hypothesis, the 50/50 theory
Eerie as it may seem
Check your Balance Beam 2X
Yo check, check
Yo, yo, check your Balance Beam with a feather and a rock
And whether or not your find the answer is really not the plot
See it's like love (love) and hate
The same emotion, different weight (and hate)
People love to hate
So I know you know just how this all relates
It's the posa- and the nega-tive
Mini and the mega live
Arm a leg a leg a arm headed by a nigga
Like big and small or short and tall
Night and day and so on
Some people are bashful
Some people just love to get they flow on (love to get they flow on)
So here goes one to grow on
I'm a go on and on and on
Til the principles are laid out (and on)
The scales of justice weighted out (and on)
Til your memory starts to fade out (and on)
And your game of life is played out
Got to balance out the power don't we?
Balance your emotions
Push and pull positions like the moon pulls on the ocean
Balance on one foot that's equilibrium
Opposites attract and retract that's a fact
I'm a Libra ya'll
180 degrees but not that hot
So whether or not you find the answer is really not the plot
Because giving is receiving
And seeing is believing
And the solar system rotates so harmonious and even
It's perfectly balanced
Some people say life is about taking chances
Choices and decisions (Choices and decisions)
Voices and opinions
Politics and religion (Politics and religion)
Clues to the past and cash and keys to the future
It's a possibility and probability on who's gone execute yo ass
Some slow and analytical
Some quick fast on the dash
Like heads or tails but the heads usually leads the tail
So I tell my tells from the head cause there embedded inside my cells
Real quick let me tell bout the fact I do know
Things'll even out
You disbelieve or doubt
Or even shout or leave it in your mouth
Now, how you gone reason with grandmother nature
Running mother earth
Controlled by father time who's the chaser
It's living and dying homey (Living and dying)
Laughing and crying dude (Laughing and crying)
Trying or lying my brother (Trying or lying)
Walking or flying fool (Walk or fly)
Now half of you are gone find the time to shine
The other half gone find crime
Money, weed, wine
Til it's to late (Oh nah!) in a disillusion state (It's over man!)
Of mind (Too late)
I just found my peace of mind now they want a piece of mine (Too late)
Too late (Nah man, we closed!)
In the disillusion state of mind (It's over man!)
I just found me peace of mind now they want a piece of mine
The orthodox is the unorthodox
They just got you on the names the insane
And the sane are the same
It's a damn shame
So many people aim is so lame
And their gain is so minimal
Caught up in a subliminal
With pleasure there's pain
Is water for the flames?
The wild and the tame
The style still remains
If you use the right side of your brain
Instead of going against the grain
You can penetrate the vein
To the point where what remains
Is a stain of this universal thang
That we call Balance, Balance, Balance

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