Aceyalone - The Energy Lyrics

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Artist: Aceyalone
Aceyalone Author
Song Title: The Energy
Visits: 814
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Gather around, gather around
We are about to spark this potential energy
and we gonna channel it to one source
because the energy can, and will be dictated
in any direction, in any situation
any which way any one shall choose
Right now since I'm the center of this energy
I choose to make it positive energy
And as for the negative energy
I'm gonna overpower the negative energy
because I know it's out there and it's like a disease
And see, once my light magnifies, the disease dies
Ya understand once my light magnifies the disease dies
The energy
Yeah, disease can't fight oxygen and light
I box em in so tight, nowhere they gon' go
And jiggawatts is low, they won't know what hit em
I warn em, then I let the energy submit em
Police yourself, increase your wealth
so you can live longer and stronger, for real doe
I don't know what you subject to
but I suppose it, ain't a bed of roses
And neither is mine, so let the energy combine
There's strength in numbers, there's no need to wonder
or slumber, or blunder
From the Land Down Under the pipe storms drain
Wouldn't hurt so good but it's, not pain
I mean it hurts so good but it's, not pain
I said it hurts so good but it's, not pain
Just the electric charge comin from the mainframe
and my main aim to dig through the dirt, stay alert
Insert the power cord so my energy will work
Pure energy spurts, sporadic, automatic
mathematic melodramatic -- acrobatic
Diplomatic, charisssssmatic
Even my static, asiatic
Microphone fanatic 'Alone
Blown in, in the whirlwind
Eye of the storm, make the energy transform
and convert, introvert turn extrovert
Assert myself to eliminate the hurt

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  • Headaches & Woes
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  • I Think
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