Acheron - Enter Thy Coven Lyrics

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Artist: Acheron
Acheron Author
Album: Lex Talionis (1995)
Acheron - Lex Talionis Album
Song Title: Enter Thy Coven
Genre: Rock
Visits: 826
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What is good? Everything that heightens the (?) of power in man, the will to
power - power itself.
What is bad? Everything that is born of weakness.
What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is
overcome. Not contendedness but more power, not peace but war; not virtue
but fitness.
The weak and the failures shall perish. First principle of (?) of man. And
they shall even be given every possible assistance.
What is more harmful than any vice? Active pity for the failures and all the
weak - Christianity.

So you now wnat to make an agreement
Comein, sit down and listen to these words
Sell your soul to the dark unholy master
Deny Christ and let it be heard
Undress and put on this inverted cross
So that you can partake in our mass
Sip the chalice and taste the unholy water
Then we shall see how long you will last

Oh Lord Satan, we give to you, a new servant
Whose faith is through with God

Welcome to our secretive coven
You now commit your soul to the flame
Satan will now be your only master
So come and write your in blood your name
Can you obey the emperor of hades?
He will give you anything you ask
Contract in blood is here now and forever
A life of sin is your only task

Oh Lord Satan, we give to you, a new servant
Whose faith is through with God

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Other Acheron song Lyrics
  • To Thee We Confess
    "Before the mighty prince of darkness
    In the presence of the lords of hell
    I do confess to my past error,
    Despising the ways and path of god...."
    "Glory to thee almighty satan
    Highest and ineffable king of hell
    Bring forth joy from the infernal realm
    To the disciples of the black flame..."
    "Hail satan, full of might,
    Our allegiance is with thee.
    Cursed are they, the god adorers,
    And cursed are the worshippers of the nazarene...."
    "Satan I summon thee from your infernal place,
    You who have been said to have fallen from grace.
    Hear our call as we cry our in blasphemy.
    Come forth from the void and reveal yourself to me...."
    "Hear us, oh infernal master.
    Grant that we may be of the chosen few.
    Knowledge and power are yours to bestow.
    Through you all will come to pass...."
  • Prayer of Hell
    "Our father, who art in hell,
    Hollowed be thy name.
    Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
    On earth as it is in hell...."
  • Unholy Praises
    "Oh lord of darkness we entreat you
    Accept the sacrifice on this unholy night
    By your mark you make us prosper
    Under thy protection all is done..."
  • Cursed Nazarene
    "Oh lasting foulness of betlehem,
    Hear the words of which we speak.
    Denying all your holy standards,
    In our veins flows blasphemy...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Lex Talionis" album, click "Acheron Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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