Acid Drinkers - Acidofilia Lyrics

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Artist: Acid Drinkers
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Song Title: Acidofilia
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2500 shots
Take a time to get cured
But time doesn't really matter
Trying to make your soul be pure
Time doesn't really matter
I need to get myself free
It's not important how it happens
As long as it's reality
Janis J. left me a note
I was downtown to see my shrink
And Kurt woke me up
To meet to smoke and sing
Even thought misery's calling
It's singing same old song
Pour me a glass of 100 proof
Can't be sober all day long.
My body's falling apart
I feed on Acidofilia
It's very dificult art
You better don't ask to heal ya.
What you dream is so important
Inside that bony head
Your heart just keeps on beating
Your desires are not dead
All around your dreams lay shattered
In your eyes that same old shine
You look in mirror seeing
Face a smile sublime
Bony Scott called me up
What Jim was heaving in the bin
I was in mortuary then
Wanted drink with him
Even thought misery's calling
It's singing same old song
Pour me a glass of 100 proof
Can't be sober all day long.
My body's falling apart
I feed on Acidofilia
It's very dificult art
You better don't ask to heal ya.
I feed on Acidofilia!!!

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  • Max - He Was Here Again
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  • Ziomas
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    Slam your lips, talkin' is a bad habit.
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    But we can see evil even though we're blind...."
  • Dirty Money, Dirty Tricks
    "Hey, fool where from are you comin' ??
    I can assure you, you got nothing to do here
    On you soft, little face
    Hey, fool you got any business ??..."
  • Angry And Bloody
    "Lend me your gun, I've got someone to kiss
    I'm still nervous when I walk down the street,
    Fresh wounds, old wounds, every one knows
    Don't scream on me here we go !! . . ...."
  • Street Rockin
    "I'm gettin' in
    Can you feel the shake
    Snakes and rats
    I'm inside..."
  • Flooded With Wine
    "Man came on friday night
    He was full of optimism
    Its so rare now,
    We started full of hope,..."

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