Adam Brand - Love Away The Night Lyrics

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Artist: Adam Brand
Adam Brand Author
Song Title: Love Away The Night
Visits: 1076
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ADAM: you're always in the fridge or on the phone
MELINDA: how the hell would you know, you're never home
A: I go to work to keep this family fed
M: good try pal but you wont even get out of bed

A: i cant belive you spent that much on shoes
M: Look, I got them on sale and you'll never know the money I save you
A: Well I spose you brought a bag, a dress and a hat
M: well you've got your race car, want to talk about that

(A talking: na no not really)

Both: CHORUS: you look so darn cute when you're mad,
you melt away my troubled heart and you dont seem so bad
when I see that twinkle in your eye
we take the phone off the hook and put the kids to bed
forget what we said
and love away the night

M: your always on the couch watching football
A: Bring me a beer and keep it down will ya
I dont wanna miss the score
M: Just like you missed our anniversary
A: well Im sorry babe but you should have reminded me

(M Talking: as usual)


both:you drive me insane, babe dont ever change
A:I like you that way


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