Adam Sandler - Memory Lane Lyrics

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Artist: Adam Sandler
Adam Sandler Author
Song Title: Memory Lane
Visits: 952
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[M1:] "Hey, it's great to have us all out on a road trip again this is gonna be fun"
[all agree]
[M2:] "Whoa,do you smell that skunk"
[All:] "Yeah
[M2:] "You know, even though it stinks it kinda reminds me of growing up"
[all agree]
[M3:] "It kinda reminds me of smelling weed"
[all agree]
[M1:] "Hey, it reminds me of smelling a pussy"
[all agree]
[M2:] "It reminds me of smelling an ass"
[all agree]
[M4:] "It reminds me of smelling a 60 year old guys ass"
[car screeches, he drops out of the car]
[M4:] "Hey, screw you guys I am who I am deal with it"

[M1:] "I'm glad we got rid of him his was a wierdo"
[M3:] "Oh my God, that was a little out there,
hey check out a water slide, man,
those things always remind me of my 13th birthday party, remember that"
[all agree]
[M1:] "Hey, it reminds me of that girl I met last year
who was a lifegaurd at one of those things, she was unbelievable"
[all agree]
[M2:] "Hey, it reminds me of that rich girl I went out with
and when her dad went out of town we fooled around in his jucuzzi"
[all agree]
[M3:] "It also reminds me of the time I saw a 60 year old guy slide down
one of those things and he was going
so fast his bathing suit fell off,
and I just stood there at his big beutiful hairy balls flopping around,
holy geez I wanted to lick em'"
[car screeches he drops out of it]
[M3:] "I hate you guys, you tricked me into sayin' that"

[M2:] "I always knew that guy was a little wierd"
[M1:] "Hey, there's a pizza place it smells awesome"
[M2:] "It reminds me of the time I used to work in a pizza place"
[M1:] "It reminds me of my first date with this girl named Ginger,
I took her to a pizza place"
[M2:] "Hey, it also reminds me of the time I ate a slice of pizza,
and then went over to a 60 year old man's house and made him fuck me
in the ass in front of his kids"
[car screeches, he drops out of it]
[M2: "Hey don't get all hitey mitey he wanted me to do it"

[M1:] "Man they were all crazy, hey, what's that"
[Cow:] "Moo"
[M1:] "Oh my god, ahhhhhhhhhhh"
[car chrashes]

"Hey that last skit was written for a reason,
if any of your buddy's have fooled around with a 60 year old man,
don't throw them out of your car, or you will die,
now enjoy the rest of the album."

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