Addict - Stones Lyrics

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Artist: Addict
Song Title: Stones
Visits: 916
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It's just like you to cause a scene
It's just like me to tell tales
I know it weighs heavy
But it doesn't have to be this way
Just let the stones from their slings
You know you can throw sharper things
Just let the pain fold away
You'll slip your chains sooner that way
What comes down to burden you
Is just like a test that never fails
And i know it's hard for you
But you don't see the beauty that i see
Just let the stone falls from their slings
You know you can throw sharper things
Just let the pain fold away
You'll slip your chains sooner that way
And i will be the last one down
For i see more than just a noose
Allow me to show you what i mean
Just take my hand it's alright
I know you're weak from all your fight
Just let the fear of it all
Trouble you no more

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Other Addict song Lyrics
  • Abused
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  • All Change
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    Totally lost, fully undone..."
  • Caned
    "Long face lines trace the time
    Memories that you hold dear
    Swear you've been blessed by years
    Routine that's kept you here..."
  • Dust
    "I just lost my best friend
    I miss you so much I wish my life would end
    I cannot get up from down here
    I cried until dust appeared..."
  • Heavy
    "Rejoice for what is coming
    Smile for we are one
    You are part of my future
    And that's as bright as they come..."
  • Monster Side
    "I am young, but a fool
    I am stupid but I'm cool
    I am kind, but I'm weak
    I can turn the other cheek..."
  • Nobody Knows
    "All designed for my downfall
    Fortified but for how long
    Everything i want nothing i need
    Poverty is hard wealth's a disease..."
  • Red Bird
    "I've been dreaming of a red bird
    and the peace of its gentle wings
    it's an omen of better things
    I've been waking witht he same pain..."

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