Adema - The Way U Like It Lyrics

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Artist: Adema
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Song Title: The Way U Like It
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The way u like it

I'll get inside you
I'll get inside you

Don't live ashamed, 'cause feelings change but fame remains
The reason why your gonna wanna take me home tonight
It's all the same up in this game, the people change
And money claims everyone from everything
I can't believe that you would think that shit of me
I was amazed at the torment that you put me through
If you can see right through the greed and all your needs
You realize that you were just about as bad as me

Sometimes I only remember the days when I was young
Nowadays no one remembers when they were young and stupid
(The way you like it)
Come on baby help me, someone to confide in
(I'll get inside you)
Now you're beggin' me to stay

My life has changed but fuck the fame, I'll stay the same
You can't complain when you can pay the bills and do your thing
Appreciate, don't player hate, congratulate
I miss the pain and the torment that you put me through
(I'll get inside you)
So what's to fear when everything is crystal clear
You realize that you should do the things you wanna do
Don't give in to what people say, don't be ashamed
To separate the feelings on your mind you can't sedate
(I'll get inside you)

Sometimes I only remember the days when I was young
Nowadays no one remembers when they were young and stupid
(The way you like it)
Come on baby help me, someone to confide in
(I'll get inside you)
Now you're beggin' me to stay
I'll get inside you
Now you're beggin' me to stay

I'll get inside you

You would always say I'd never be shit
They would always say I'd never be shit
But look at me now, look at me now
Now you're beggin' me to stay
I'll get inside you
Now you're beggin' me to stay

The way you like it

Sometimes I only remember the days when I was young
Nowadays no one remembers when they were young and stupid
(The way you like it)
Come on baby help me, someone to confide in
(I'll get inside you)
Now you're beggin' me to stay
Sometimes I only remember the days when I was young
(I'll get inside you)
Nowadays no one remembers when they were young and stupid
(The way you like it)
Come on baby help me, someone to confide in
(I'll get inside you)
Now you're beggin' me to stay
(I'll get inside you)
Now you're beggin' me to stay
(I'll get inside you)
Now you're beggin' me to stay
(The way you like it)

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Other Adema song Lyrics
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    I've been understanding, givin' everything you need
    Using me is over now and soon you're gonna see
    I'm done with you, I'm done with you..."
  • Blow It Away
    "Everyday I think about
    What you did
    Livin' life ain't much
    With all the sh*t..."
  • Giving In
    "Will you, walk me
    To the edge again
    Shaking, lonely, and I am drinking again
    Woke up tonight and no one's here with me..."
  • Freaking Out
    "I was so much an outcast
    No one ever liked me
    'Cause I wasn't wanted
    I was so different from..."
  • The Way You Like It
    "I'll get inside you
    I'll get inside you
    Don't live ashamed
    'Cause feelings change..."
  • Close Friends
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    I can't believe what's really going on
    Somehow I knew that you felt guilty for something
    But tell me why you do this to me..."
  • Do What You Want To Do
    "Where will we go?
    Where will we go?
    Sign away all of my decisions
    Tell when I breed..."
  • Skin
    "Days will come
    That make no sense
    My present situation makes me
    Think too much, too much..."

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