Adi Smolar - When I Was A Little Boy Lyrics

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Artist: Adi Smolar
Song Title: When I Was A Little Boy
Visits: 810
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When I was a little boy, little boy, little boy,
boy, little, little boy, little boy, o yeah, everybody now o yeah.
When I was a little boy, little boy, little boy,
boy, little, little boy, little boy, o yeah, everybody now o yeah.
When I was a little boy, little boy, little boy,
boy, little, little boy, little boy, o yeah, everybody now o yeah.
When I was a little boy, little boy, little boy,
boy, little, little boy, little boy, o yeah, everybody now o yeah.
When I was a little boy, little boy,
When I was a little boy, little boy,
then she was a little girl.

And when she was a little girl, little girl, little girl,
girl, little, little girl, little girl, o yeah, everybody now o yeah.
When she was a little girl, little girl, little girl,
girl, little, little girl, little girl, o yeah, everybody now o yeah.
When she was a little girl, little girl, little girl,
girl, little, little girl, little girl, o yeah, everybody now o yeah.
When she was a little girl, little girl, little girl,
girl, little, little girl, little girl, o yeah, everybody now o yeah.
When she was a little girl, little girl,
When she was a little girl, little girl,
Then I was a little boy.

Za vse tiste, ki ne znate angleko, pa e slovensko.
Gre pa takole:

Ko sem bil e majhen fant, majhen fant, majhen fant,
fant, majhen, majhen fant, majhen fant, o ja, vsi skupaj zdaj o ja.
Ko sem bil e majhen fant, majhen fant, majhen fant,
fant, majhen, majhen fant, majhen fant, o ja, vsi skupaj zdaj o ja.
Ko sem bil e majhen fant, majhen fant, majhen fant,
fant, majhen, majhen fant, majhen fant, o ja, vsi skupaj zdaj o ja.
Ko sem bil e majhen fant, majhen fant, majhen fant,
fant, majhen, majhen fant, majhen fant, o ja, vsi skupaj zdaj o ja.
Ko sem bil e majhen fant, majhen fant,
ko sem bil e majhen fant, majhen fant,
bla je ona majhna deklca.

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  • Dalee Je Za Naju Pomlad
    "Danes stara sva in siva,
    pozna se te?ko breme let.
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  • Drugaee Bom Ivel
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