Adkins Trace - Im Goin Back Lyrics
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Adkins Trace Singer Lyrics
Im Goin Back Song Lyrics
Adkins Trace
Chrome (2001)
Song Title:
Im Goin Back
Print Version
I never knew what smog was 'til I moved to LA
They say it's the City of Angels, but there ain't no Saints
If I spend one more day on this freeway I might snap
'Cause I can't take a breath and I can't see the crest of those mountains
That lie in my path
I've got to get back to the farm
Where the cars aren't alarmed
And the people are happy to see ya
Where the world's biggest stars hang above my backyard
And there's room to stretch out and relax
My truck is gassed up and I'm packed
I'm goin' back
Hey lady, what color is that you've got in your hair
Sorry dude, but that dress and high heels threw me for a second there
The fact that don't even phase me is freakin' me out
Am I gettin' used to these lunatics who can't discern between friction and fact
I've got to get back to the farm
Where the cars aren't alarmed
And the people are happy to see ya
Where the world's biggest stars hang above my backyard
And there's room to stretch out and relax
My truck is gassed up and I'm packed
I'm goin' back
Goin' on back
Windmills and dirt roads and bean fields, my kinfolk
It don't get much better than that
I've got to get back to the farm
Where the cars aren't alarmed
And the people are happy to see ya
Where the world's biggest stars hang above my backyard
And there's room to stretch out and relax
My truck is gassed up and I'm packed
I'm goin' back
Yeah, I'm goin' back
Can't wait to get back
Give me some more of that hee-haw
Im Goin Back Lyrics
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Other Adkins Trace song Lyrics
Hot Mama
"You're doing all you can
To get in them old jeans
You want that body back
You had at 17..."
Comin On Strong
"Well, I said I'd call her sometime
No, I think I just asid I might
'Cause I was cool as Colorado
Mr. Saturday Night..."
Then Came The Night
"Long-legged shadows
Mississippi sunset
She was standing like a candle
That hadn't been burned yet..."
Id Sure Hate to Break Down Here
"Mile marker 2003
The gas gauge leaning on the edge of 'E'
And i'll be danged if the rain aint pourin' down
Somethings smokin' underneath the hood..."
Missing You
"An hour into my shirt
I'm covered from head to toe
Drilling oil from the bottom
Of the Gulf of Mexico..."
One Of Those Nights
"have you ever had
one of those days
when you wake up feelin' good
so good that you could tae the whole world on..."
Then I Wake Up
"i smell the fragrance
of your hair
feel your fingers and your breath
on my skin..."
One Nightstand
"well it aint home
but itll have to do for a while
got a fold down bed
two windows on the parking lot..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Chrome" album, click "
Adkins Trace Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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