Adolphson Falk - They Put My Baby On The Air Lyrics
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They Put My Baby On The Air Song Lyrics
Adolphson Falk
Song Title:
They Put My Baby On The Air
Print Version
I hear your voice from the place next door
They tune you in more and more
Wherever I go I can't get away
When they broadcast every word you say
Oh no, not that station
Hey man, please turn it off
How can they do this to me
They got my baby on the air
They say your show is a lot of fun
They say that girl is a number one
But they don't know what you did to me
And they can't see my misery
Oh no, not that station
Hey man, please turn it off
How can they do this to me
They got my baby on the air
You broke my heart
Now you're rubbin' it in
Telling our secrets
To any dumb fool who calls in
You wrecked our lives
And you knocked me right down
Now you're making it public
And spreading it all over town
You're talking hip like you know where it's at
You tell them love is as easy as that
They're calling in to get your advice
They like to hear you 'cause they think you're so wise
Oh no, not that station
Hey man, please turn it off
How can they do this to me
They got my baby on the air
They put my baby on the air
[The Swedish original is about a bloke falling in love with a voice on the
radio - i.e. the exact opposite of the English version
They Put My Baby On The Air Lyrics
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