Adventures - Catch The Moon Lyrics

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Artist: Adventures
Song Title: Catch The Moon
Visits: 1075
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"Can you hear him whistling a little tune
It's about him trying to catch the moon
He's waiting for his father
He'll be coming home soon
He's waiting for his mother
This afternoon

He can't hear what they say, he don't know what they want
So he runs away, cause he fears the gun
He waited in vain, it was something they'd done
He don't know what it is, but he knows that he's alone

Some put the trust in the east
Some put the trust in the west
Some put the trust in the bomb
Some put the trust in their mom
Some put the trust in the in a god
Some put their money in the bank
Some put the faith in the stars
Some put the trust in the guitar

Killing has no reason, killing has no soul
Killing has no right, killing has no goal
Now you might think it's easy to cross into his mind
But he's life is real now, like a picture in his eyes

Some put the trust in the east
Some put the trust in the west
Some put the trust in the bond
Some put the trust in their moms
Some put the trust in the in a god
Some put their money in the bank
Some put the faith in the stars
Some put the trust in the guitar

Can you hear him whistling a little tune
It's about him trying to catch the moon
He's waiting for his father
He'll be coming home soon
He's waiting for his mother
This afternoon

Some put the trust in the east
Some put the trust in the west
Some put the trust in the bond
Some put the trust in their moms
Some put the trust in politicians
Some put their trust in the bodys
Some put the gun to their head
Some put the trust in the dead

Some put the trust in the in a god
Some put their money in the bank
Some put the faith in the stars
Some put the trust in the guitar

Some put the trust in the east
Some put the trust in the west
Some put the trust in the bond
Some put the trust in their moms
Some put the trust in the in a god
Some put their money in the bank
Some put the faith in the stars
Some put the trust in the guitar

Can you hear him whistling a little tune
It's about him trying to catch the moon"

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