Aegrimonia - An Erotic Damnation Lyrics

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Artist: Aegrimonia
Song Title: An Erotic Damnation
Visits: 940
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At sinister places we stand
in a circle all dressed in black
now evoking the damned
doing the dance of death
drunk as we are
by the poisoned cup of Bacchus
Aspell was cast
and the dead were now among us
in visa deo luna laborat
I shall fear the light now
the sunrise I forgot
Noctivagus forever
and by day in my coffin I shall rest
binded to eachother
Aegrimonia in aevum nectae
Call up the hidden ones
wandering in between
as yesterday becomes tomorrow
so shall I become unseen
the thick red blood
I shall gain
The lifeless walk
Am I mundane
as I enfold my theeth
slowly around her neck
the devouring of the week
in cryptic times, and then...
Fear me not my love
for the wolves are among
them shadows shall clasp
the hidden-hunger tomb
dusk upon the black rod
Ancient velvet covers the face
of the evening wine-red fog
shall I ever enter grace
Coroner in stigmata
the damnation of the soul
deserted forests lyrica
and yet, who wanders in solitude

An Erotic Damnation Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Aegrimonia song Lyrics
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  • Incubus Or Nightmare
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  • Labes Did Not Come...Yet
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  • Nox Arcanis Fidissima
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    Sulphur skies cover the stars
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    Mighty sylph take our scars..."
  • Pagan Winter Tales
    "His body was sent
    sailing across the icy floor
    into the hardened rock wall
    stars before his eyes..."
  • Patricida
    "'Oh holy lord, My father'
    It all disgusts me
    I reject this promise
    I reject this name..."
  • Shapeless Creations
    "Aod the winter turns bright
    Aod the summer into blackness
    The world upside down
    All time is running backwards..."
  • ...Show All

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