Aerial - Heart Of A Woman Lyrics

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Artist: Aerial
Song Title: Heart Of A Woman
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you say you love her, so why bleed her dry? your words, they break her, and you wonder why. try a little harder, reach a little further, to love her. little whimpers echo by the pale moonlight, and teary eyes glisten, like stars up in the don't listen to her. try a little harder, reach a little further, try a little harder, to love her. your home will be where her heart is, the heart of a woman, you know. your home will be where her heart is, the heart of a woman, you know. it's in the heart, it's all in the heart, yeah.

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  • Everybody Needs Someone
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  • Love Disaster
    "he said that i'm the only one locked inside his head. the sweetness of his kisses on me ? are hers instead. end this false illusion, cause now i see he's changed. cause his cold love runs straight through the heart. is this the way it used to be? a love disaster? or is this the way it's meant to be? a love disaster. you're not the man to cherish her, so why does she stay? you'd just walk right out on her love?.run away. and your cold love runs straight through the heart.

  • Waiting
    "waiting for the one. all your life been waiting, but will it ever come? time, it only speaks to your in questions, never answers. cry yourself to sleep. in the waking hours of hopelessness, you pray for some relief. the world knows how you're feeling and remembers, but never told you. waiting, waiting. you will find your love, and you will be loved. waiting, waiting. you will find your love, and you will be loved again. waiting always hurts, when you know just what you're wanting and it's out of your grasp. fate, it only speaks to you in riddles, not solutions.


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