Aesop Rock - Alchemy Lyrics

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Artist: Aesop Rock
Aesop Rock Author
Song Title: Alchemy
Visits: 841
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I spit with an immense amount of power
Skull flame showers, cowards, cower, underneath our
Storm clouds that indicate the acid rain hours
Now or, never, ever, ending on a bad note
Ripping ya' craft spoke, for spitting a bad quote
(Blueprint what's your approach?)
I smash black folk and white folk alike for jokes with mics
And make a Kodak moment out of the most boring open mic
I'll make a sad fan appreciate rap again
Fuck around and forget just how wack it's been
I'm a bad man (Why's that?)
I catch bullets in my molars, body slam boas
And take flight with the weight of the world on my shoulders
And blame David Blaine on any chains that hold us
What started out as food for thought, turned into thoughts to turn they
crews into food in hopes to satisfy my
Insatiable appetite to dine on lifeforms
Small planets and satellites
You solar system is my condiment
I'm bombin' comets, and don't sweat the small things and nonsense
Every dog has his day and even more so in rhyming
So I decided that I'd never play the fire hydren
Or grab the mic sounding lazy, worn down and tired
Cats don't really fall off they just get uninspired
But before you, get a reason to ever diss us
I'll drop a ill LP and disappear like Bobby Fischer
But this is, the building block of all that is
And what it is, is Alchemy

[Aesop Rock] (Chorus)
Alchemy, basic with a touch of wild wonder
Alchemy, we made this to take your style under
Metal frame, walking through a, metal game with a limp, tight grip
Determined not to let time slip
This is Alchemy, iron b-boy and all his glory
Alchemy, hold it from the colder sob story
Metal frame, walking through a, metal game with a limp, tight grip
Determined not to let time slip

[Aesop Rock]
Ah, dirty, dirty destiny
Birded murders with a burn gurshin a peasantry
Nervous flux flirtin' with hurley burly chemistry
Graffiti burner urchin merchant with a certain urge jerkin' served and centerpiece
My zig-zag bully balance gallops with a fiery outline
Ban and bomb y'all pastel poets belly up (I'll tell you what)
Born stylin' 4 dimensions count em'
?Breed it take it to em' up,? run to build a world you'll never touch
And I'm a pilot, delerium, serum, poison arrangement
?Aroused? when I feel like storming suck the raw enslavement
With a grin-style stinger creeping out the basement
Impatient wild ritualistic visions of sacrificial bitch hatin'
For all my iron giant soldiers with a metal fist upshielding mother nature
from her fatal wrist cuts story I'll respect you
(So why they blaming you for the cats that sleep while the earth turns?)
Yeah I had em' up all night praying I'd re-release Music For Earthworms
Greed even are lease screaming with milestone like ring ring ring I just
caught the screen fiending click dial tone
Welcome to a clouds swell blew to hallucination war pillar
Carnivore, carnival, karma slasher
I dash like a jack rabbit that orbits revelation with a single pounce
To Edward Scissorhands your spring of doubts (Yo turn it out)
This is that mighty case of home field advantage to bend your blizzard With
a crocodile smile and fight robot knuckles to your kisser

This is Alchemy, basic with a touch of wild wonder
Alchemy, we made this to take your style under
Metal frame, walking through a, metal game with a limp, tight grip
Determined not to let time slip
This is Alchemy, iron b-boy and all his glory
Alchemy, hold it from the colder sob story
Metal frame, walking through a, metal game with a limp, tight grip
Determined not to let time slip

Alchemy Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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  • No Jumper Cables
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