Aesop Rock - Dryspell Lyrics

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Artist: Aesop Rock
Aesop Rock Author
Album: Appleseed (1999)
Aesop Rock - Appleseed Album
Song Title: Dryspell
Visits: 1000
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On a sunny afternoon in lower east side New York...

You about ready? (Yeah)
Good morning my sweet vision of morbid disorder
And Good evening wonderful riddance and such
Maybe today I'll touch the burgundy halo
Trimming the tunnels and of in with tenants
Spangled cross a more tangible premise
?? it needs splinters all up in day-tripper visuals
Take it easy man, fuck it I'll take it any way I can
My palms are generous
When I witness fury scurry past my window
Model city in a bottle plugged hostile
Its bliss kissin pollutin
And a billion suckers pucker in a bind
Maybe the sunken ship is the treasure
No, but they insist it man
I try to Spin me dizzy spongin
Up to giving dungeons functions
As opposed to art historians absorbed inside assumptions
Everybody pop your knuckles when the style divorces vertical
Marveling at the spite with which it curdled
Outside my tenement grows a little warmth
From out the mugs of masons wasted
Laying bricks for days to later find they owned the lot adjacent
Mark the blasphemy elements of elogance and savagery
Murder the gossip, fuck it run off happily
The broken spoke cyclers chokin open doctors they as born fetus
In a matchbox conveniently padlocked to the hammer base
Now these impurities embedded in five illiterates textiles
Shedded in the hell tale to motivate blind suspended leverage
Now i'm drowning in a pool of why are you here
Sabotage with my beats the burden pertainance of if I die this year
My name is Dryspell
My name is pillar
My name's allegiance
My name is flagrant
My name's a thousand steps from patience
But I'm sick and tired of waiting
My name's Polaris
My name is canvas
My name is lowlife
My name's intention
My name is every imperfection that plays a part in my descension
My name is carnival
My name is posture
My name is polarized
My name is evidence
My name is delicate approach from symettricating my fellowship
My name's Possessive
My name is cordial
My name is Igloo
My name is captivate
My name is contaminate the rich
And clock the profits for the captain's sake

Let us hope that the horrors of evil
No longer loiter on the doorstep of your past

Circle of sandbags drag the shield a meal the meaty hand grabs
I'm splitting hopes at your local Acropolis
Opulence in a cockpit not the pocket for them born with a ??
Sunk to rest while they've exhausted the art of drunken address
Exhibit fracture lines that converge towards where the hackers whine
Where trappers slack the traps
Unlatch the catch then cover up his trackers line
That will make his majesty furious
Oh bury his head and how could I have been so dense
If only, yeah but I'm lonely
My days graze normalcy then morbidly crash
My years breathe honesty then sardonically laugh
Alas, I dig my toes in to the sand and spit foliage out my lips Personifying mankind's end all aspirations
Hope floats...
No, hope sinks like broken boats and most harassed before provoked
I'm tossing darts at a map of the arts to pick up where you choked
And when the last leaf falls off the branches of resonance
I'll be waiting with my butterfly net to collect the evidence
Well I am a room with poison oak scaling the sides
Arachnids on the celing, rugged thumb tacks, bones and rusty pipes
If you can squeeze between the bars
Enjoy my space employ my waste
In case the hand dealt by a stolen grace
Do you ever wish the circle wasn't square
So when landsharks start circling the borders
You could just cut them off at the corners
There's a ghost in the basket of values
Pertinent to, which cayak pilot succeeded in serving him proof
Now I'm surfin it through
So if you need me spread your wings to spell my name
Above the mess near the other funny requests
See bow to tolerant mannerisms of higher to win
To assist in a meticulous pick a part of cobweb skins
Of innocence
A child of timid instinct with that ten step ahead premise
Supply dust bowls before the zephyr was requested
Violent humble shoes ten shades of blues come off the difference
I grimace, took me one hours blink to conclude that sickly innocence
My name is Dryspell
My name is pillar
My name's allegiance
My name is flagrant
My name's a thousand steps from patience
But i'm sick and tired of waitin
My name's Polaris
My name is canvas
My name is lowlife
My name's intention
My name is every imperfection that plays a part in my descension
My name is carnival
My name is posture
My name is polarized
My name is evidence
My name is delicate approach from symettricating my fellowship
My name's Possessive
My name is cordial
My name is Igloo
My name is captivate
My name is contaminate the rich
And clock the profits for the captain's sake
My name is vagabond
My name is angel
My name is century
My name is hunter
My name is sunburst
My name is wildfire
My name is scrutinize
My name is basic
My name is consequence
My name is cigarettes
My name is cynical
My name is tolerance
My name is hallucinogen
My name is waterfall
My name is runaway
My name is alarm clock
My name is...

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    My ruby glass glazed specs staple to trade the market thieves
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    Armadillo armor that bends around the blades
    Bugs in the beard
    Ebony in the lungpiece..."
  • No Jumper Cables
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    Up jumps the boogie delivering eye jammies
    Walk through the muck with clutch on a trident
    Never give a fuck how far pi went..."
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    somebody warp the message right i'll pass it to the next
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Appleseed" album, click "Aesop Rock Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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