Aesop Rock - Flashflood Lyrics

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Artist: Aesop Rock
Aesop Rock Author
Album: Labor Days (2001)
Aesop Rock - Labor Days Album
Song Title: Flashflood
Visits: 833
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"We'll have more news after this commercial word"

(As so it goes..)

"At least I think I was here asleep...
Is it possible, conceiveable that I sleepwalked out of my apartment
And went berzerk?"

[Aesop Rock]
In slipped rhythm
Fed a cycle bound by dilemma-debting vendetta
Escaped briefly back to my apartment
Parked in front the fan
And reminesce about the day I ran a mile with your heart in my hand
'Tesants get the New York home game
With real life shoot-em-up action
Thug, vagrant, yuppie, and art
Free game piece all included
I told this cat the earth was flat
He walked till his beard grew long enough to strangle himself for being stupid
Brick-a-back novelty
Spliced with that sixth pack odyssey
Godspeed Tequilla worm future, be concerned
My feelings spread across the land reporting avalanche sightings
While my introverted side is flying cadavers on kite strings
I'ma never give, I'm juiced off ejection
I'm stubborn as a thousand born agains avoiding questions
From the alpha to the sand
I bake the date up for my pledge
To 'bay the traitor in the twice-forgotten favors that he bled
Not a creature stirred, it reaks of subway metal
Feather lecture journalist chin on fish shenanigans
Recording mayhem with voices
Benefit to break room
Mummified manequins with future cleanse adamant
And skeleton in cabinet
This a Malcom circus, got a ring of fire
Just big enough to shove my purpose in a circle
I'm known to dip dusk in a broken city curfew
Release the hounds and see which one can tractor trail and serve you SUCKA!
I lay the Lord down upon its belly
With my foot dug in between the third and fourth disk
Yelling 'Break yo'self!'
I'm the actualized data commission past penny tip jar donation
Been arranged, made by the farfetch from stability
Took a heart pledge early on
Bled onto the drum doser
Plow in the metronome, home
Lone caddy corner to cock-eyed sound booster
Sensation'll leave siesomgraph stabbin away on stone tablets
To sketch up out your future
I drifted out the main spelunking unit with watered down sand
But have canceled developed, courtesy America
Land of the free base
Home of the triplicate grill character
My sorta sideways tilt called pinball blinker
It citizens wander through ex-warrants steady bleed
With dilapadated winter jacket
I rock a crooked lid piece
A sweat a bit to make my Wookie ends meet
Pascifist willing to step into a friend's beef if needed
Wing clipper, I hierarch compassionate
Where they whine on some 'Daddy's gonna kill Ralphy' shit
Sucked the proverbial silver spoon to the parents quit apparently
Parasol spinnin casually like 'I'm an artist, please don't laugh at me'
Ok, time to buckle the fuck down
Side of the wobbly system back to original form, pumpkin
You can catch the memoir in several dimensions
The joy of life logic, don't employ the spite process
Hence, your plight botches

"I don't know what got into me
I didn't even cause all that destruction
I'm sorry"

[Chorus] 4x
This be the big
F-L-A-S-H-F-L-O-O-D, Flashflood

"Possible" "Conceivable"
"Possible" "Conceivable"
"Possible" "Conceivable"
"Possible" "Conceivable"
"Possible" "Conceivable"
"Possible" "Conceivable"

"That I sleepwalked out of my apartment and went berzerk?"

Flashflood Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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  • 1,000 Deaths
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    Slither spiraling banister down a hide
    My ruby glass glazed specs staple to trade the market thieves
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    Armadillo armor that bends around the blades
    Bugs in the beard
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  • No Jumper Cables
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    Walk through the muck with clutch on a trident
    Never give a fuck how far pi went..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Labor Days" album, click "Aesop Rock Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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