Aesop Rock - Ill Be Ok Lyrics

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Artist: Aesop Rock
Aesop Rock Author
Album: Float (2000)
Aesop Rock - Float Album
Song Title: Ill Be Ok
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 895
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Burn it down...
Pad the circles 'round your life
To capture all the sides you sight
Magic tricks where skeptics sink
The ice is thin, stay off the lake
Waiting for a clock to punch
Wish I could breathe and stop for lunch
If I stop tocount the leaves on one of these here trees
Not sure that I know what's pure
Born to kill the insecure
Some respect, some resent, some remain from start to end
Wear my heart on my short sleeves
I'm stuck out here, I lost my keys
From the roof I watch the street
And pray for those that's caught beneath

[Chorus--Slug and Aesop] 2x
As long as I know right from wrong
I'll be ok, I'll sing my songs

I dunno what I have to left
To give other than truth and breath
Angel when she shuts her eyes
Like we will leave to my demise
Between my time is short
About to start my last resort
Wake me up when it's time to make babies
Talkin planet earthquakes
Tied the laces, touch the ground
Let emotions ruptured now
As long as I know right from wrong, I'll be ok I'll sing my songs

Chorus 4x

[Aesop Rock]
I wanna lift every yellowbrick
I never felt pressure to have to justify my selfishness
At least not to your and yours
Maybe just my friends and fellowships
As long as the mood is somehow linked to my enhanced development
I swear they'll understand!!!
There's a storm outside my tenament
Beats upon my windows with Mother Nature's adrenaline
I guess that's why my homey Blockhead stays glued to the television
Now I look less intelligent
Cuz I'm the one that tried to bear the elements and lost
Well it's warm by the filament
Huddled up close in the company of all my relatives
Stories lash like coffee and honest-to-God sentiment
Cucooned in the unified efforts to all get settled in
Away from where the rain pours!
Well count your delegates
Weed out the bums who practice migration under the elegant
Of course I realize to fill the ring, procedure's delicate
But lead devils inside to collide with your overzealousness
And fall to rock bottom
Spot em with their carelessness
The urge could burst to turn even those hazardous to militant
You can't even have half of free second
The beat comes gelatin
You gotta aim, fire and the spider be model veteran
Buried in merit badges
I'm stuck in the center and could care less
About the eye of the storm and its monstrous measurements
I got a defense that I call coolin with my brethren
Sometimes I get wet
But it's better than risking life and limb to me, don't you agree?

Chorus 4x

[Aesop Rock] *repeat to fade*
If you wanna push, than I'm ready to push
But if you pulling while I'm pushing
Then why did you ask me to push?

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Float" album, click "Aesop Rock Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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