Aesop Rock - No Splash Lyrics

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Artist: Aesop Rock
Aesop Rock Author
Album: Float (2000)
Aesop Rock - Float Album
Song Title: No Splash
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 888
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[Aesop Rock]
January, I fell to the cobblestone
In April, I cut little paper flowers
In August, I drank cold tea all my lonesome
In October, I was introduced to scourers
I love New York Saturdays
But Mondays last longer
And since I plan to live a long life
Maybe I'll serve a thousand Mondays and swallow the burn
To merge the week for all its got
To get my shoddy rotten ribs stick, forgot my ribs
I got a lil' something called a spirit crisis on my skull
And it's nothing short of ferocious but I swallowed the dosage
I got a mantle, and the mantle is a candle
And my candle is a flame that burns to symbolize the day Gretel met Hansel
Then I settle in a stand still
I live forever reaching for the sun
Hoping some lucky day I'll clutch and get a hand full
Rope ladder, I'm a swinging anvil
And I wanna turn scullies and summings with pretty lullabye, bye
The way my gypsy dances makes a monster retreat to fetal
I never felt so damn young
But you don't look a day over zero
And you don't look a day in the times cuz it'll make you realize
The night is near so
Well then go, dream, I clean around the edges
I tidy up the tabletop, and lectured all the pledges
I never really knew the true definition of precious
Till my angel wit the beautiful red locks gave me the message
I'm a fully animated life tree
See the root of the mute button was dug up bug up on a song
Of I'm a fully animated life tree
With branches for the heavens to admire actually

Chorus [Woman speaking]
Fame, war, love, honor, crime, innocence, tragedy, sunshine
Cringe, death, passion, heroism, God, suffering, joy, fate
Destiny, treasure, stars, gall, hunger, murder, silence, mayhem
Health, pain, suspense, breath, sound, guilt, pride, time

[Aesop Rock]
We all know what a halo is
But we all don't know the horrors if your halo tips
I be the matador making your pretty little heels click
I be the Sword in the Stone of the contemporary eclipse
I'm incredibly exhausted
You can't imagine, got my warm spirit stuck in my teeth, I'm obsolete
Freedom freedom freedom fighter beginning
Better stay competitive, meter in such to bust, fuckin fantastic
Every little steps you take breaks the tangles
In the chest, developed in the abomidable trouble
Settle for a cruel second, loud for an hour
Screamin to the beats to leave until my whole weekend turns sour
I ain't been around the world but I been around the block
I ain't seen everything but I seen enough to talk
I ain't a prophet, I ain't the Second Coming of Christ
I'm just a mason with a will to build and a little advice
I wanna weave a web, I wanna set of knitting needles
Villain with a theme dream silent
Paddle in the hole divy to where the portraits astonish
You won't regret a single solitary step, I promise
Look, in a situation where a dragon guards the gate
I make a true spur of the moment grown decision
Which in turn allows me to be something normal
With the prefix of the abbot
I can kill every monster if I gotta, that's that
Rockin it, rockin it, clippership rockin it
Be the little guinea pig, dig?
I'm tryin to make an exit with no ripples in the water
No splash, let the poison slide down down the hatch
It's like that

Chorus 2x

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  • 1,000 Deaths
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    Slither spiraling banister down a hide
    My ruby glass glazed specs staple to trade the market thieves
    Where vendors cop the stolen citrus out they pyramids..."
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    Armadillo armor that bends around the blades
    Bugs in the beard
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  • No Jumper Cables
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    Walk through the muck with clutch on a trident
    Never give a fuck how far pi went..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Float" album, click "Aesop Rock Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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