Aesop Rock - Shovel Lyrics

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Artist: Aesop Rock
Aesop Rock Author
Album: Labor Days (2001)
Aesop Rock - Labor Days Album
Song Title: Shovel
Visits: 982
Print Version

I don?t shrug instead of the ramifications of my shovel

Lovin the consequences of uprooting the jungle

I?m huggin the cyclo Gemini stooped contenders from viewin the puzzle

I don?t budge the motives encased inside the gauntlets hung in quotas X2

My kitchen sink leaks like your itching to speak a secret

?bout the world spins yet nobody?s pledged allegiance and why?

His beaming smile knew a private agony that burns

And when the children met divinity I sat to watch the merge

It goes pandemonium live

Ya?ll mutha fuckers stand up volunteer tantrums while your playin summin vivid

Play your sympathy card till the misery clash

And a basket case is in a classless matrix with elastic stitches

Raggin a bag of lonely poem remnants

Short of breath like you?re short of fresh

You?re a portable mess

Carpetbagger spearheading tear peddeling pretentious art critics, orphans

Trying to dismiss those pioneering their fortunes

You?re a spectacle

Pushin for pedagogue lacin up paper weights walkin on stilts talking

You touched the hand of God and I?m like

What are all these evils that plagued the hearts of man by sweet talking border patrol until they fold and let them in

You got your life in a basket before you could say instant classic

Like the king of the mountain requires a boost

I?ll bury the hook in my belly just to volunteer at live aid clinics

For the thrill of 9 great mimics with 18 bloody lips, spittin

Beanstalk, chalking outlines before figures fly

Walking uphill trying to get down

Prominent ghost town litigate battle pitch darkness when the light switch hits the *artistry* circuit board breaker

Service in the greater half of nature

See money go wild shook when the exploitation incubated lovely

Warmingly *piggy leader* colony to comfort

Numb enough to deny the sin pins and evil needles even punctured

Till he wont define his turne and can still function

I don?t shrug instead of the ramifications of my shovel

Lovin the consequences of uprooting the jungle

I?m huggin the cyclo Gemini stooped contenders from viewin the puzzle

I don?t budge the motives encased inside the gauntlets hung in quotas X2

Burn burn em mostly

Stuck unplucking plumage out the poultry

Soaking in bulk on a sofa with ductape upholstery

Dirty doc stellar space medic

Stoned by the commoners for glowing

Psuedo bloaters * buy them beats till bloated*

Happy trail hitchhikers guide to spanning oblivion

Complete with a thankless 9-5 chapter

You can sign your life after the facts

Wicked soldiers pickin with buddy system logistic motors like Noah?s ark ticket holders, pivot

All in a days breath

I guess

Sandman hit up or shatter a day when television run over baboon heart transplants

Sketching a glass partially empty till their hand cramps

With a iceman dance (?) and stand with a (?)

But maybe I do

Yeah yeah maybe it?s all over, maybe I won the game before the machine ate my quarter

I mean absorbing attention's a must

You don?t wanna be overlooked

Yeah but you don?t wanna be looked over too much

One up for the dashed hopes of fifty fishermen who crashed boats

and the angels who never hit a bad note when harmonising

I?m an armour plated farmer

I?m an archer rising with a drawn bow for the karma where the bulls eye clings and argues

Dense, spreads like new names at the writers bench

Either you drink it or sink it, coz there ain?t no sitting on the fence

You make me chuckle child, it?s hells kitchen now, miss

Recognize your life is merely bait for bigger fish

I don?t shrug instead of the ramifications of my shovel

Lovin the consequences of uprooting the jungle

I?m huggin the cyclo Gemini stooped contenders from viewin the puzzle

I don?t budge the motives encased inside the gauntlets hung in quotas X4

Encased inside the gauntlets hung in quotas X2

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