Aesop Rock - Troubled Waters Lyrics

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Artist: Aesop Rock
Aesop Rock Author
Song Title: Troubled Waters
Visits: 857
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[Verse One]
You replicas overlooking the guidelines of acoustics
Miserable attempts result in miserable conclusions
Paragon pen dragon tactician on freeform
Then a comfortable silence try to combat cliques
That unexpected Sephotus cyclone shifts
Worked up you're shooken, jetted to the side
I stagger this vagabond wondering menstrual forms of phobia
Worst fear the terrace stricken muted
The roots of all evil I've rooted pinnacle
Poised with pride pouncing to break your stride, forsaken
Agony rides inside the heartache wretched condition
My intuition felt you slip up
You tripped alone what are you aiming for?
Or do you sus tries to classify your genus, distorted fetus
Evolve, type unsolved, you lack the malediction
Malleable martyrs get molded, then folded under pressure
Thou perceives a slaughter suspension
Bridge over troubled water drown, sound study intensive
My square drops two erasing lines like tetris
Relentless agent hush horrendous circles on my pavement
Two sticks to burn basics the lie adjacent to my placement
On the game board, lunge forward and wind-up impaled by the same sword
Choose your weapon, stains splattered upon your flag
Taturag shielding the exterior inferior
Stall face to face with a forms that force your downfall
Admittedly suspicious, a decadence, your network's on hiatus
Permanent, provoked and choked upon the potency
The parrow be the penetrating agent pierce the insides
Why the cold sweats at midnight? Why the dim light?
Why are we staring at a true from the inside?
Why the pen slide with vigor on a put down?
Like while I put my foot down stomp your city
A-E-S-O-P scoping through the bur, opening minds behind the smirks

[Verse Two]
I've seen misery, I've seen disgust dust ridden ruins
Iron clad oracle test three COM unit disperse silently
Over confidence leads to irony
Plot twist full hardy Icarus shifted in facets of my form
Forbidden aspects of the swarm a thorn upon your side
A storm upon the rise, Adam, I or crush come brush upon the red zone
Crook you're shook you started poorly
Your powers parted pace uncharted territory
Disoriented malicious god you'll burn your bridges
This craft requires first drafts
Graphs, gritted blueprints of nemesis perimeter
Hunting by night compute, twenty one mic salute
One life polluted, concerned muffle moans
From the nine rings of Donnie's hell burn you in your slumber
Sleepwalk then pulled under now
Whipping through the willows is the warden of this garden
Slipping through the silhouetted skylines Aesop sidewinds jaded
Don't wind up war painted into the jungle the solution's not intrusion
The starving institution broke your main frame
I pose the question, are these waiting games worth it or worthless?
While I comb the crowd for clues your nyebony hands be my purpose
Our planet is the pivotal point
In which this network slowly turns to filter kicks
We out-box the berserk bewildered by the wilderness
My clench is frantic clutch manners falling through underbrush
Touch fools that duel with a dominant
The evil-minded tried to triple six me but he missed me
Intervene; emcees appear as red blips on my color radar screen

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