AF1 - The Last Kiss Lyrics

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Artist: AF1
Song Title: The Last Kiss
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hung in your room, swaying, hoping only that you'll see. all by myself, i'm alone in such poor company. the deeper i think, the deeper i seem to sink. i can't stop the insects that are feeding, pull the needles from beneath my skin. i broke myself, shattered, tied a bow around every piece. you'll love the eyes. have they always shone so vacantly? the more i show the less you'll want to know. i can't stop the insects that are feeding , pull the needles from beneath my skin. now i'm on display, i am becoming. hurt myself today. it's all for you do you like what i'm becoming? cut myself today, it's all for you. i part the night, flashing, approaching as i watch you flee. pushed through your panes. seems i've landed quite uncomfortably, but as i pass through souls of broken glass, i can't stop the insects that are feeding, pull the needles from beneath my skin. please don't ask me what i think, trust me, you don't want to know. please don't ask me to open up. trust me. trust me. 'cause i can't.

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