Afflicted - Harbouring The Soul Lyrics

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Artist: Afflicted
Song Title: Harbouring The Soul
Visits: 847
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Blinded by the light that I can't see
claimed to rescue me
deafening the sounds I cannot hear
for some obvious speeches-for others not as clear
not as clear

Serpent I am of thee... prodigal son
striving to win that which... cannot be won
seeking a faith in which I... can believe
scrutinizing the messages I receive

Won't you make me see (come alive)
come awaken me (come alive)
won't you make me be (come alive)
to it instantly

Won't you make me see (come alive)
arouse me (come alive)
show me on my way (come alive)
to it and seize the day]

Harbouring the port of my alleged sanctuary
still I'm trapped in a vicious circle on this merry
go round on churning seas that ferry'll make me
searching but my eyes can't see my redemptory

Alas, I'm lost in the jungle I've grown
in my quest to find the way
what I asked of the tarots was not was shown
am I but a soul astray?
enlighten me give me back my spark
deliver me from grey
give me the strength to go on
to seize each and every day

Stuck, I am stuck in the cobweb of my mind
(black is the path that leads me to think I'm blind)
numb, I am numb from the pain I cannot feel
(dead emotion, all seams so unreal)

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Other Afflicted song Lyrics
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    given a second chance with a new life in sight
    and after a day there's always the night..."
  • Consumed In Flames
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    I'm living in hell..."
  • In Years To Come
    "My knowledge and logic
    fills my mind with fear
    thoughtless exploitation
    the deadline draws near......"
  • Ivory Tower
    "Rising he who was subdued
    committing acts of protest
    their speech of lave is misconstrued
    he will put it to the test..."
  • Rising To The Sun
    "Guide me...
    hrafn blots godi...
    guide me...
    hratn ass......"
  • Spirit Spectrum
    "My veins begin to freeze
    as I adapt to cryogenic sleep
    slowly losing consciousness
    in the grasp of high-technology..."
  • The Doomwatchers Prediction
    "It all lies before me
    in my hands
    the awful facts of our future
    oh yes, I fear for the development..."
  • The Empty Word
    "Build up your aggression
    release your frustration
    despite the ignorance
    of our passive lives..."
  • ...Show All

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