A.F.I. (AFI) - Silver and Cold Lyrics

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Artist: A.F.I. (AFI)
Song Title: Silver and Cold
Visits: 838
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I came here by day,
but I left here in darkness
and found you on the way.

Now, it is silver and silent.
It is silver and cold.
You in somber resplendence,
I hold.

Your sins into me,
oh, my beautiful one.
Your sins into me.
As a rapturous voice escapes
I will tremble a prayer
and I'll beg for forgiveness.
Your sins into me,
oh, my beautiful one.

Light, like the flutter of wings,
feel your hollow voice rushing
into me as you're longing to sing.
So I will paint you in silver.
I will wrap you in cold.
I will lift up your voice as I sink.

Your sins into me,
oh, my beautiful one.
Your sins into me.
As a rapturous voice escapes
I will tremble a prayer
and I'll beg for forgiveness.
Your sins into me,
oh, my beautiful one.

Cold in life's thows.
I'll fall asleep for you.
Cold in life's throws.
I only ask you turn away.
Cold in life's thows.
I'll fall asleep for you.
I only ask you turn
as they seep into me,
oh, my beautiful one.

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