After Forever - Beautiful Emptiness Lyrics

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Artist: After Forever
After Forever Author
Song Title: Beautiful Emptiness
Genre: Rock
Visits: 839
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You're the worst of all
with all your accusations and compunction
I can't suffer this duress from someone
so deprayed and selfish
You embody all that I've been through
Without you I am sure I will be loved

My existence conforms to your distress
Your ambition, the cause of mine
A disruption, I'm nothing, even less
Misfortunes never come singly, and I was there to stay

You don't allow me a single place,
nor any love into your lives
An unperceived, annoying presence you'd rather ignore
But in my life you know you'll leave a beautiful emptiness

Where you used to be
Impotent screams
will turn into the love of silence
My liberation, then silence,
will be perfect and pure
It's all in my dreams;
I'll remove you
and all our mutual disgust

In my dreams,
I solve the problem by removing it
My wish is to see you grovel
like you once forced me to!

There's no other way, here's my course of life
A path without the sickening trace of you
I need the beauty of a cleared, pure world
This eternal interruption of your rash life can save me!

You don't allow me a single place,
nor any love into your lives
An unperceived, annoying presence you'd rather ignore
But in my life you know you'll leave a beautiful emptiness

It's sad to feel you don't believe in love
It's sad that you're so cold,
and I'll be the same if you keep on poisoning my life
Drowning in self-sacrificing visions
When you're gone, then we will all be released

It's sad; my life has been like hell so far
It's sad that you're the cause
And I'll be cured in this beautiful, empty world
Floating, floating away with your perilous visions and hate
When you're gone, silence will fill up the emptiness
When you're gone, we all will be released

In my dreams I shall rinse my body and soul
My wish; the accomplishment lies here before me in my hands

I will be released from your accusing eyes
and torrents of verbal abuse
You'll know the causes are your own mistakes
while life flows out of you
and exempts me forever!

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Other After Forever song Lyrics
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  • Silence From Afar
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  • Follow In The Cry
    "Behind your facade hides an indomitable
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  • Monolith of Doubt
    "The ordeal has begun
    To oblige the unknown, within me
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    Cannot remember, cannot think..."
  • My Pledge Of Allegiance 1
    "She kept her beauty concealed behind a curtain of suspense
    And endures her fate, moulded by an ancient culture
    The honour wasn't allowed to be injured
    She is going to live as her community expects her to..."
  • Emphasis
    "The game is over, time has taught life
    Open your eyes and embrace our so-called paradise
    All the notions and thoughts
    Devise a way to make it yours..."
  • Intrinsic
    "At night, assimilate life
    In the infinite realm
    Of our intrinsic side
    Find, the missing parts of the mind..."
  • Zenith
    "Is there something you feel?
    Is there something you furtively know?
    Under the spell of science,
    Can we declare?..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Invisible Circles" album, click "After Forever Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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