After Forever - Beneath Lyrics

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Artist: After Forever
After Forever Author
Album: Exordium (2003)
After Forever - Exordium Album
Song Title: Beneath
Genre: Metal: Gothic
Visits: 853
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Bewildered by silence
Stuck by its questions and lucid ways to make us aware
I did not know how cruel that could be
That so many cases will never be solved
That so many stories will never be told
I did not know how cruel that could be

Fighting a war that rages inside
The world can't see the hate that burns in there
How can we face what lies beneath,
If we just fear and don't fight back?

How many questions left unanswered?
How many tears and inner strength shall we need?
How any times can we encounter this again and again?
How many things exist that blind us?
How many forms of brutal violence can we see?
How many images of pain will make us numb
So hard, so cruel, we fail to see, we fail to feel?
So afraid, even without thecourage of despair?

Fighting a war that rages inside
The world can't see the hate that burns in there
How can we face what lies beneath,
If we just fear and don't fight back?

Afraid of ourselves, arfaid to stand up
I did not know how cruel that could be

We failed to see, we failed to feel
Still afraid, what if you love someone?
What if this happened to your loved ones?
What would you do if you were there at that time?
What makes you act like nothing happened?
Nothing's wrong, you're doing fine?
What makes you think you are immune to this?
What drove us so far to the edge of tolerance?
If judging and accusing is so easy, then why
Why still?

Fighting a war that rages inside
The world can't see the hate that burns in there
How can we face what lies beneath,
If we just fear and don't fight back?

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Other After Forever song Lyrics
  • Wings Of Illusion
    "Silence breaks in me
    Screams out
    Erodes my soul and wakes me up..."
  • Silence From Afar
    "When the fate leaves you behind
    and drags me of to an unknown destination
    Shall my tears shape a sea
    on which your boat has to reach the area..."
  • Follow In The Cry
    "Behind your facade hides an indomitable
    lust for power and tyranny
    Taking advantage of your pendencies
    Fear is the doom, doom of us all..."
  • Monolith of Doubt
    "The ordeal has begun
    To oblige the unknown, within me
    As I drown
    Cannot remember, cannot think..."
  • My Pledge Of Allegiance 1
    "She kept her beauty concealed behind a curtain of suspense
    And endures her fate, moulded by an ancient culture
    The honour wasn't allowed to be injured
    She is going to live as her community expects her to..."
  • Emphasis
    "The game is over, time has taught life
    Open your eyes and embrace our so-called paradise
    All the notions and thoughts
    Devise a way to make it yours..."
  • Intrinsic
    "At night, assimilate life
    In the infinite realm
    Of our intrinsic side
    Find, the missing parts of the mind..."
  • Zenith
    "Is there something you feel?
    Is there something you furtively know?
    Under the spell of science,
    Can we declare?..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Exordium" album, click "After Forever Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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